The View : Call Guinness Book of World Records
Re: Call Guinness Book of World Records
The majority of those are either lies or just plain wrong.
Protest and riots? How is that the fault of Trump that crazy liberals want to protest and riot because they are sore losers who are still butt hurt and humiliated that the person they so arrogantly thought would easily win the election lost?
And explain the evidence for fastest and highest "VOTER REMORSE in U.S. history"Who exactly are all these people who have voter remorse? And what evidence do you even have to claim it is the HIGHEST in U.S. history? The people who voted for Trump are happy and optimistic with him in office. Stop making up lies. Stop twisting one person you may have seen on the news who *claimed* they voted for him and is now regretting it, into it is the FASTEST and HIGHEST VOTER REMORSE in the history of our country.
You people are just non-stop with fabricating lies all the time to fit how you want reality to be. Get some help
Protest and riots? How is that the fault of Trump that crazy liberals want to protest and riot because they are sore losers who are still butt hurt and humiliated that the person they so arrogantly thought would easily win the election lost?
And explain the evidence for fastest and highest "VOTER REMORSE in U.S. history"Who exactly are all these people who have voter remorse? And what evidence do you even have to claim it is the HIGHEST in U.S. history? The people who voted for Trump are happy and optimistic with him in office. Stop making up lies. Stop twisting one person you may have seen on the news who *claimed* they voted for him and is now regretting it, into it is the FASTEST and HIGHEST VOTER REMORSE in the history of our country.
You people are just non-stop with fabricating lies all the time to fit how you want reality to be. Get some help
Re: Call Guinness Book of World Records
- Just one example:
The majority of those are either lies or just plain wrong.
How big of a total buffoon does one have to be to include something so embarrassingly absurd as this item on the list?
12) Fastest drop in Stock Market after Inauguration.
Little hester-sock is still so butthurt since November 8, that she can't keep from her self-destructive, obsessive behavior.
Re: Call Guinness Book of World Records
LOL It is just plain freaking hilarous that the left does not realize that these "statistics" re just an indictment of THEIR assinine, crybaby loser behavior.
Marches and protests? Protesting what? Maybe protesting the fact that they might all have to get real jobs and stop being the paid Soros shills that they are. People with real lives dont have the time to walk around waving moronic signs.
I will agree that Trump has gotten LOTS of resistance form the Democrats. That just proves how much THEY are willing to reach across the aisle! They are acting like they are still in charge.
Facts are not liberals strong suit. Rhetoric is. Thomas Sowell
Marches and protests? Protesting what? Maybe protesting the fact that they might all have to get real jobs and stop being the paid Soros shills that they are. People with real lives dont have the time to walk around waving moronic signs.
I will agree that Trump has gotten LOTS of resistance form the Democrats. That just proves how much THEY are willing to reach across the aisle! They are acting like they are still in charge.
Facts are not liberals strong suit. Rhetoric is. Thomas Sowell
Re: Call Guinness Book of World Records
Republicans want him, now they can own these statistics! He's not my President.
"What matters is the size of your heart and your character" - Herman Munster
"What matters is the size of your heart and your character" - Herman Munster
Call Guinness Book of World Records
1) Lowest approval rating of any new President.
2) Most nominees not confirmed.
3) Most new legislation being challenged.
4) Most protests in under one week.
5) Most riots during Inauguration.
6) Most marches against Trump during/after Inauguration.
7) Most global protests of any President.
8) Fastest VOTER REMORSE in U.S. history.
9) Highest VOTER REMORSE in U.S. history.
10) Most lawsuits within one week in office.
11) Most hate crimes committed within one week of Inauguration.
12) Fastest drop in Stock Market after Inauguration.
13) Most people in the White House to "abandon ship."
14) The fastest REVERSAL/BLOCK of an Executive Order in U.S. history.
15) The longest lasting (anti-Trump) protests in U.S. history.
Whew!..And it's only been 3 weeks!