The Soapbox : List all the books you've read

List all the books you've read


Re: List all the books you've read

All Three LOTR books years before the films
Devil in the White City
The Hobbit
The Scarlet Letter
A Light in the Forest
The Pigman

Re: List all the books you've read

thnx mate keep in touch

Re: List all the books you've read

I'm quite convinced these boards will return in some form

Re: List all the books you've read

Moby Dick
The Shining
Doctor Sleep
All of the Series of Unfortunate Events books

Re: List all the books you've read


Re: List all the books you've read

I'm not gonna list all the books I've read.

But right now I'm reading Gore Vidal's "Creation": It's a novel with Socrates, Zoroaster, Buddha and Confucius as characters. The protagonist is half Greek but very anti-Greek. That's annoying.

You gotsta make way for the Homo Superior

Re: List all the books you've read

I've read to many. I can't. I'm reading Augustines Confessions right now though. After that, I'm going to read through all of Aristotle. I recently acquired all of Aristotles works separated into two large and organized volumes.

Fuck like minks, forget the rugrats, and live happily ever after.

Re: List all the books you've read

I have a folder filled with a whole list of the videos I want to follow.