Sandra Bullock : Yikes. Did she or didn't she? :#

Yikes. Did she or didn't she? :#

F with her face?? Just w/in the last few years she's getting more/more Michael Jackson looking! When she won the Oscar just 5 years ago and even up until 2013-ish w/ The Heat and Gravity appeared she was aging gracefully. She still 'basically' had her classic, normal face. You could def. see some natural aging but still looked attractive and in most lighting and shots, as hot as ever esp her body! Seeing these very recent picshmmm she's looking 'botched' (aka bad surgery) and just not looking healthy. A little too skinny and emaciated. While I'm thrilled she's at the top of her game and turned a mixed/poorly reviewed movie into her biggest yet (will prob. top 300 million in the US alone)! she just doesn't look happy (esp. on the inside) and I think it resonates on the outside. That could be why she's getting more/more nips and tucks. Think about it..the ONLY meaningful connection or relationship was w/ that skunk where she p*ssed away 5 years of her life! For a woman so 'likable' and successful really does make you wonder about some of the recent rumors that she's not at all like her on screen persona. Obviously, she's an actress and many, many Hollywood stars are 200% different in real life than they 'appear' on TV, movies etcIt's just Sandra is and has always been SO likable in a totally anti Julia Roberts way where the pretentious and b*tchyness reeks through her pores. I know, I know we all have our bad days but I hope Sandra (for the most part) isn't a monster like Julia, Jlo etc.and most importantly finds *personal happiness!

Re: Yikes. Did she or didn't she? :#

I guess I am missing out - what recent rumors?

The ratio of people to cake is too big.

Re: Yikes. Did she or didn't she? :#

you must be a kardashian

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain

Re: Yikes. Did she or didn't she? :#

her face/skin was much darker before
(speed/speed 2/ demolition man)


Re: Yikes. Did she or didn't she? :#

She had full facial reconstruction.