Postcards from the Edge : Carrie Fisher Commentary

Carrie Fisher Commentary

Has anyone listened to it?
It's so great, she's so cool. I didn't realise how funny she is.

I love that she is just so relaxed and careless. The way she was explaining rehab life, getting high and her overdose, was hilarious. She just mentioned them so causually as if they were so normal. And I love how she doesn't take all that stuff seriously and able to make fun of herself. She's great!

"I guess, in a way, failure by your own standards is definately a form of success"

Re: Carrie Fisher Commentary

I have watched it with Carrie and love the in sight to one of my favorite movies. Her books and interviews are funny. Did you see carrie in When Harry met Sally? Funny there too.

Re: Carrie Fisher Commentary

Yeah I saw her in WHMS. I love her in Drop Dead Fred. One of my faves from my childhood.

"I guess, in a way, failure by your own standards is definately a form of success"

Re: Carrie Fisher Commentary

I love Carrie Fisher she is so down to earth and funny. I read that she is a script doctor! She fixes alot if scripts one being the wedding singer and she dies it uncredited. I saw her in wishful drinking and she sang happy days are here again, boy can she sing. I also saw her on tcm being a judge for future directors she was so kind and encouraging to every contestant. I have never met her but Anyone can see what a good person she is.

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Re: Carrie Fisher Commentary

Actually, it kind of sounds like Carrie Fisher is NOT complaining about her life. People who are able to laugh at themselves make for some of the best people around.

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna

Re: Carrie Fisher Commentary

She didn't complain. She made humor from dark times. She was a class act.

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Re: Carrie Fisher Commentary

Can anyone rip it to mp3?

Re: Carrie Fisher Commentary

I first saw Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia while watching a newly released Star Wars at the famous Chinese theater in Hollywood when I was about 8 years oldI of course instantly fell in love with heror at least who she was on the screen, because I didn't know her in real life. She was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. In later years I started hearing about her problems with drugs and had a hard time accepting that this beautiful and talented woman was the same person that was being talked about and I thought maybe some people were just being overly criticalbut as it would seem, it was all true. As I started to read more and more about her life, it became more apparent about why she was so troubled and felt she needed to escapethough I would not have chosen or even recommended such behavior, I at least believe I get it why she felt as she did. Carrie Fisher was one of the few female actresses that if given the real chance, I would have given anything to have met her in person and would have loved to just sit around and listen to her talk about whatever because it sounds like she was a truly very funny and wonderful personUnfortunately, now that will never happen. Goodbye beautiful ladyyou will be greatly missed, but NEVER forgotten.