Malik Bendjelloul : R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

My condolences to his family.
I liked Malik's work and his DIY approach to filmmaking.
He made the seemingly impossible possible: Coming out of nowhere, winning
with a debut feature every major award there is (Academy Award, DGA, PGA, WGA, ACE, Sundance, BAFTA, IDA) and having a huge boxoffice success, too.
Malik's life seemed like a fairytale and dream come true.

The news only reported, that he was found dead and that there was no crime.
So what was the cause?

Some people wrote that.
-he suffered from depression (according to his brother?) and killed himself
-he jumped in front of a subway (according to an anonymous source in the comments - section of 'The Hollywood Reporter')

What was Malik's real cause of death ?

If it's true that he committed suicide as a result of depression, then this
would be similar to director Tony Scott, who committed suicide on Aug.19th 2012
by jumping off a bridge. Tony Scott reportedly suffered from depression, too, and was under medication
Depression is sh*t. But maybe the meds are the real problem?
Few weeks ago I read a frightening scientific study that MILLIONS of people diagnosed with depression are treated in a wrong way: They get too much meds and no useful therapy at all.
A possible side effect of those meds can be suicide.

If you know, please provide sources/links

Thank you!

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of death ?

His brother Johar has confirmed in swedish media that Malik committed suicide and that Malik had suffered from depression for a while.

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

Yup - those meds are really dodgy. I had a friend on Paxil - a sweet and calm guy most of the time - who went into an angry rage at the drug store waiting for his meds. You miss one dose of those meds and you're done for.

I was on Zoloft for a while and took myself off them. The worst 6 months ever! The buzzes/shocks you get from withdrawals - OH MY!

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

Just curious, did your doc ever warn you about side effects?

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

Nope - they just prescribe it and said minimal side effects like nausea or whatever. He also said I should expect to take it for the rest of my life. I remember I got 3 types of drugs - Klonipin, Xanax and Zoloft. I think I alternated between Klonipin and Xanax before settling on Zoloft.

Just shows you these docs don't really know what they're doing. They're using you as a test subject to sell their crap.

Haven't used these drugs since and hope I never have to rely on the quacks we call psychiatrists.

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

I hear you. So what did you end up doing for depression?

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

I went through different phases as being numb, angry, etc, but I think what has worked out best is exercise. I know it sounds weird, but I went on a diet a few years ago and I worked out about 5-6 days a week. I did not even think of exercise as tool for depression but I started to notice that my mood improved greatly.

Sometimes when I'm angry/stressed, I just head to the gym put on my headphones and get on the elliptical. It's as if the mental isolation helps you process thinks, releases the energy and anger and my mood is greatly improved that I don't even think about what got me agitated in the first place.

Another thing is being less critical of yourself. This takes a while and is work-in-progress. Many people are living with the after-effects of abuse or neglect and they just have no idea how to process it. Some externalize it and end up abusing others; others internalize it and are so critical and judgmental of themselves and also other people. Learn to forgive yourself and not be so harsh or critical. Like I said, it takes work.

Charity: take some time out of your day, week, month to help others. Maybe it's going to a soup kitchen to help feed the needy, volunteering at a facility or even helping that person who's $1 short at the supermarket. Being kind to others makes you feel good.

Relax: I used to stutter during stressful situations. If you're able to calm down whether by taking a few deep breaths or meditating, it helps clear your head, slows things down, and makes you calm to face whatever situation.

Sorry for going on and on.


Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

Hey, that was awesome both articulate and moving. Thanks for sharing your personal experience and for alerting people to the underappreciated side-effects of antidepressants. I wish you continued success!

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

Thank you. smile.gif

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

Suicide is confirmed by his brother. Police has been quoted as saying they don't want to reveal where the body was found. Sounds like the jumping in front of a train might be a good bet.
I feel for his family, but as a depressive, suicidal person myself, I can relate to Malik.
I hope he has now found his peace.

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

Suicide is confirmed by his brother. Police has been quoted as saying they don't want to reveal where the body was found. Sounds like the jumping in front of a train 5b4might be a good bet.

Thanks to everybody.
Can't read Swedish, but 'suicide by jumping in front of subway' seems to be true.

If he was on medication I'm sure that it had an effect on his decision.

Maybe the real discussion in the media shouldn't be about 'why an Oscar-winning wunderkind commits suicide for seemingly no reason' but:

-What do we really know about the side effects of antidepressent drugs?
-Is depression treated in the right way?

Like I wrote: The latest scientific studies clearly say: No.
But it's simply easy for the doctors to sell some meds and
a big market for the pharmaceutical companies.

Malik's suicide is the most extreme case I've ever seen of a person who should have no reason at all to commit suicide, but suddenly decided to do so.

I would really like to know what kind of meds they'll find in his blood.

Yup - those meds are really dodgy. I had a friend on Paxil - a sweet and calm guy most of the time - who went into an angry rage at the drug store waiting for his meds. You miss one dose of those meds and you're done for.
I was on Zoloft for a while and took myself off them. The worst 6 months ever! The buzzes/shocks you get from withdrawals - OH MY!

I feel for his family, but as a depressive, suicidal person myself, I can relate to Malb68ik.

Millions of people have/had a bipolar disorder including many, many artists.
Vincent van Gogh, Caravaggio, Ingmar Bergman, Peter Sellers, Hermann Hesse, Thomas Mann, Lars von Trier, David Foster Wallace, Robin Williams, Chantal Akerman

Malik's life did show signs of 'manic behavior':
His backpack-travelling through Africa and South America, self-financing
'Searching for Sugarman' and doing all the work by himself
This 'manic' high-risk behavior is maybe the other side of the coin,
the only one we saw.

Ang-son & SMORacka, after every down there is an up again.

-If your environment doesn't suit you, change or leave your environment.
-Get rid of harmful behavior patterns.
-Get rid of people and jobs you don't like.
-Eat only food you like.
-Do sports you enjoy.
-Enjoy the arts.
-Avoid stress.

It's not easy, but you'll know when you find things that work for you.

But don't ever trust the pharma companies.

PS: I read a few years ago that studies confirmed that cinema does have a positive effect on mental health, too.

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

Couldn't agree with you more. Malik will be missed.

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

You're so right. These days I try to avoid negativity - even if it's family. I swear, I think some people's favorite hobby is complaining.

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

He haven't found a "better place" for God's sake. He is only dead by now!

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

He had a great achievement with Sugarman, hurt no one on the way out, we all are leaves that fall off the tree, rip malik.

Re: R.I.P. Malik - What was the cause of his death ?

Well I'm sure his family was pretty hurt