Last Man Standing : Goodbye/wanna go someplace else?

Goodbye/wanna go someplace else?

I've been pretty busy lately with other things and haven't been around this season, but when I heard that the boards were closing I had to come back and say goodbye to all of you on what has been my main board here on IMDb. It's been great discussing the show and other things here (even with those I've mostly disagreed with) and I wanted to say that I'll miss all of you who choose not to do as I suggest below.

There's another site called Personally I don't care for the design, but it does offer a message board for every movie, show and actor. I haven't looked to see if there's any activity on the LMS board already but I plan to do so this Friday. I'm registered there with the same username and I hope that all of you will join me.

Re: Goodbye/wanna go someplace else?

There's another site called

Hope they're buying up server capacity, and hiring moderators. They're gonna get swamped!

Re: Goodbye/wanna go someplace else?

I'll miss these boards. I like being able to see what people are saying about a movie or show. Better than reviews, since readers can comment or disagree. Oh well.

Re: Goodbye/wanna go someplace else?

I had to come back and say goodbye to all of you on what has been my main board here on IMDb.

I have enjoyed your perspective on this board and will miss it. I'll look into the alternative.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters