I'm Not There : Heath Ledger/Joker in-the-woods?

Heath Ledger/Joker in-the-woods?

Watching this and using "pause" on the DVDwhen Richard Gere is saddling his horse and his dog goes franic and runs off towrds the woods
Is that or is that not a white-faced "Joker" in the woods? It could be a symbolic "Indian" or African tribal person. But it is in the woods, for a split secondand it soooo looks like Heath Ledger as white-make-up Joker!
And like the girafewhy is it there?

Re: Heath Ledger/Joker in-the-woods?

Yeah it does look like that.

Earlier in the movie that guy that has all his stuff on the side of the road tells billy that the local zoo was closed down and the animals are now roaming free.