Doctor Who : Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
I think Moffat genuinely tries to be feminist and celebratory in his approach to female characters, but he's just not particularly good at it. Knocking down men to elevate women is a very wrongheaded approach to feminism, but it's his standby. I can totally believe that Moffat is not a sexist person, but he's never been particularly subtle or nuanced in the way he writes his characters. Someone like River Song is occasionally a lot of fun, but from the off you can't escape the impression that she is a conscious attempt at a strong female character.
There is definitely a thread of misandry that runs through modern Doctor Who. I believe it is a well-intentioned but hamfisted attempt to find a sense of equality. An overcorrection.
I am the sod-off shotgun.
There is definitely a thread of misandry that runs through modern Doctor Who. I believe it is a well-intentioned but hamfisted attempt to find a sense of equality. An overcorrection.
I am the sod-off shotgun.
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
His female characters are Mary Sues.
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
Exactly right!
I am the sod-off shotgun.
I am the sod-off shotgun.
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
I don't know if his bashing of men if him trying to say to those who accused him of sexism he's not sexist. Look I love females, watch me big them up and put down males.
Feminism has became a joke. I found this a while back
Basically there are tests you can use to deem how sexist something is apparently and there are people who use them, watch programs and judge them not by the content but by these tests. I think the real feminists, those who fought for real issues, like women's rights and so on, would be spinning in their graves right now.
Feminism has became a joke. I found this a while back
Basically there are tests you can use to deem how sexist something is apparently and there are people who use them, watch programs and judge them not by the content but by these tests. I think the real feminists, those who fought for real issues, like women's rights and so on, would be spinning in their graves right now.
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
The whole Bechdel thing was originally an observation about how man-centred women are in films. But the idea that it could be used as a test to get meaningful data is ridiculous. Not quite as ridiculous as declaring people criminal because their eyebrows are too close together, but still on the wrong side of the line.
I see the article acknowledges that the Bechdel test has problems, but it was never meant as a tool in the first place. In action films, it follows that the lead is going to be male unless it's Lara Croft or Ripley or someone like that, and most of the time characters are going to be talking about the lead. In romances and romantic comedies, unless it's a lesbian romance, the ladies are probably talking about their male suitors and their forthcoming nuptials to a man.
In a drama set in Bletchley Park, I would expect to see named women talking about things other than men a lot of the time. But until female fighter pilots, oil rig workers and so on become the majority in real life, I don't expect it to happen in action films.
However, I would not accuse Who of misandry. There's a general tendency on TV in general to put men down, based (I would guess) on the belief that "real men can handle it!" Never mind that it's probably contributed to male suicides
This whirlpool's got such seductive furniture
It's so pleasant being drowned
I see the article acknowledges that the Bechdel test has problems, but it was never meant as a tool in the first place. In action films, it follows that the lead is going to be male unless it's Lara Croft or Ripley or someone like that, and most of the time characters are going to be talking about the lead. In romances and romantic comedies, unless it's a lesbian romance, the ladies are probably talking about their male suitors and their forthcoming nuptials to a man.
In a drama set in Bletchley Park, I would expect to see named women talking about things other than men a lot of the time. But until female fighter pilots, oil rig workers and so on become the majority in real life, I don't expect it to happen in action films.
However, I would not accuse Who of misandry. There's a general tendency on TV in general to put men down, based (I would guess) on the belief that "real men can handle it!" Never mind that it's probably contributed to male suicides
This whirlpool's got such seductive furniture
It's so pleasant being drowned
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
maybe real men can handle it but can real 11 year old boys do so? got to be a kick in the self esteem hasnt it?
The mans tongue didnt come through customs!
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
Indeed. Or "real men" who are going through difficult times. Or men who (through no fault of their own) don't conform to the "real man" template.
So I don't think Doctor Who is helping matters, but OTOH it is following a trend rather than leading it.
This whirlpool's got such seductive furniture
It's so pleasant being drowned
So I don't think Doctor Who is helping matters, but OTOH it is following a trend rather than leading it.
This whirlpool's got such seductive furniture
It's so pleasant being drowned
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
Are modern feminists and SJW's "real women" or are they just a bunch of hypocritical cry bullies?
Feminist Misandry Infests Doctor Who
Feminist Misandry Infests Doctor Who
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
Neither and both. Modern feminists, and SJWs (both in the pejorative and the literal sense) are a whole spectrum, just like any other broad category.
I am the sod-off shotgun.
I am the sod-off shotgun.
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
I never want to get into 'men have it worse than women' or vice versa; tempers start to fray and we end up exchanging YouTube videos - and no-one wants that.
But I am getting less and less tolerant of the 'men can handle it' mentality - I've recently seen two facebook memes suggesting that domestic violence is HILARIOUS when it's aimed at men - which as a friend observed probably means men suffering from domestic violence are even less likely to seek help
1 mark deducted for not being Curse of Fenric. Insert 'The' into previous if you are Ant-Macw
But I am getting less and less tolerant of the 'men can handle it' mentality - I've recently seen two facebook memes suggesting that domestic violence is HILARIOUS when it's aimed at men - which as a friend observed probably means men suffering from domestic violence are even less likely to seek help
1 mark deducted for not being Curse of Fenric. Insert 'The' into previous if you are Ant-Macw
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
But I am getting less and less tolerant of the 'men can handle it' mentality - I've recently seen two facebook memes suggesting that domestic violence is HILARIOUS when it's aimed at men - which as a friend observed probably means men suffering from domestic violence are even less likely to seek help
A few months ago I was shocked to see a major female fantasy author posting on FaceBook to say that she suspected the men who claimed to be victims of domestic violence were merely being hit back. No evidence for this whatsoever, just an assumption - and an assumption which ignores men's general reluctance to admit they are victims. The truth is, there are men who get hit with the rolling pin - sometimes literally. They get little in the way of sympathy or support.
Just to be clear, men who beat their wives are vile creatures, and this kind of domestic violence does seem to be the majority, but that's no reason for dismissing male victims.
This whirlpool's got such seductive furniture
It's so pleasant being drowned
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
A few months ago I was shocked to see a major female fantasy author posting on FaceBook to say that she suspected the men who claimed to be victims of domestic violence were merely being hit back.
This is why I hate modern feminism with a passion!
Could you imagine the reaction if a prominent male made the above statement but with the genders reversed?
If the majority of feminists think this way then feminism really is cancer!!!
Feminist Misandry Infests Doctor Who
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
Feminists claim to be for equality for men and women, but they're full of crap. They're generally deathly silent when it comes to the patriarchy and misogyny suffered by women in Islamic culture, because that would clash with their fashionable PC values.
Paul McGann IS the War Doctor in my fic
Paul McGann IS the War Doctor in my fic
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
You don't have "PC" values yourself? Sure you do. strawberry, if you want to get ahead and get sex, that kind of weak minded thinking won't work.
Just like there are no hot women that are "man haters" unless abused by men, there are no hot alpha males that call themselves "MRA" unless abused by women.
The weak in society always want "isms" and "advocates". 1500 years ago, society fell off the tracks. 2000 years ago society began reaming steaming ahead to the icy depths of Hel. 2500 years ago was when the flesh wound was first introduced.
Just like there are no hot women that are "man haters" unless abused by men, there are no hot alpha males that call themselves "MRA" unless abused by women.
The weak in society always want "isms" and "advocates". 1500 years ago, society fell off the tracks. 2000 years ago society began reaming steaming ahead to the icy depths of Hel. 2500 years ago was when the flesh wound was first introduced.
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
Feminists claim to be for equality for men and women, but they're full of crap. They're generally deathly silent when it comes to the patriarchy and misogyny suffered by women in Islamic culture, because that would clash with their fashionable PC values.
Exactly, there is no patriarchy in western society.
If anything we live in a matriarchy, a gynocentic society that bends over backwards to favor women over men in just about every area of just about every western nation!
Feminist Misandry Infests Doctor Who
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
If you go back and watch his 4 seasons of "Coupling" you might understand his tongue in cheek humour
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
I think the problem, is moffat is so keen to have strong female characters quickly he rushes and mary sue's them.
I think back to that lass in the world war 2 ep in the first series, she was strong female character.
I think back to that lass in the world war 2 ep in the first series, she was strong female character.
Re: Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
Except you
The real sexism of modern Doctor Who is misandry but no one seems to give a crap when men are the victims of sexism.
Misogyny Vs Misandry: Sexism in Doctor Who
While I disagree with this, I do agree that Pertwee could be condescending at times.
But I wouldn't even call that sexist as he was condesending to both men and women, can you get any more equal than that?
Some more feminists have accused Moffat as beinng a misogynist because he writes bad female characters. Well he also writes bad male characters too, so how can this be sexist?
However in order to appease said feminists, Moffat has been knocking down men in order to lift women.
This can be seen in episodes where female characters constantly belittle the male characters.
When a female companion threatens to hit The Doctor!
A new version of UNIT lead by mostly women.
Dominant female companions that treat their male partners like doormats and walk all over them, this has been a staple of just about every companion since the series returned.
Reverse the genders of any of the examples listed above and there would be an outcry from the feminists screaming misogyny.
The real sexism of modern Doctor Who is misandry but no one seems to give a crap when men are the victims of sexism.
For further examples of misandry in Doctor Who click the link in my signature or click the link below for a more detailed analyise: