Burr Steers : Line from Igby

Line from Igby

Igby has been one of my favorite films for years now; I have to have seen it a few dozen times, however, one line still perplexes me When Ollie says to Igby "There really isn't that much between us, is there?", (which of course, Igby responds, "Just an ever-diminishing amount of blood") does Oliver mean to say, more or less, that theres no 'bad blood' between them, or that they 'have little in common'. Any ideas? By my interpretation I'd say the former, but if anyone else would care to comment, I'd rather appreciate.

Re: Line from Igby

I think he is saying that the two of them really don't have much of a relationship. It seems like an appropriate time for Ollie to point this out, because he's probably realizing that they've just lost their momthe only thing they had in common.

But either interpertation seems to work.

Re: Line from Igby

I always took it to mean that they were running out of family members, the literal "blood kin" that would bind them. Their mother was gone and they didn't have the same father.

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Re: Line from Igby

Cinephile06 is right. He was making a crack about the fact that they didn't have the same father, as their mother had just revealed on her death bed.

Re: Line from Igby

Yeah thats what I took it as!!

'Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends'

Re: Line from Igby

i always took it to mean that ollie was commenting that in the brotherly relationship, there was nothing. igby's response is simply just igby being the smart-ass we know him as. taking into context how late this happens in the film, it seems appropriate resolution for the brothers (along with the failed hug)

Re: Line from Igby

they just found out they are half brothers

i already am upstairs you dummy

Re: Line from Igby

He's been beat up. He's literally losing blood.

Re: Line from Igby

They do not have the same father. So they have less of a blood relation than they were originally led to believe. Susan Sab68randon tells him that Jeff Goldblum is Igby's real father before she dies. Ryan Philippe's father is Bill Pullman. Sorry, I only remember their real names and not character names at this point.