The Soapbox : Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

Is he going to take care of that baby after it is born?


The Jamaican national motto is 'Out of Many One People', based on the population's multiracial roots.🇯🇲

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

If it makes you feel any better your face could be the poster child for birth control.

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

You're just jealous cuz you don't have any kids. I had 3 beautiful children. 2 different fathers. So any kid that I have turns out to be beautiful.

The Jamaican national motto is 'Out of Many One People', based on the population's multiracial roots.🇯🇲

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

What does that have to do with your ugly mug making people NOT want to procreate? Stay on topic,donkey!

So why didn't YOU….

So why didn't YOU abort any of YOUR children??


😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

I had 3 beautiful children.
And if someone wanted to harm your children, wouldn't you welcome help from other people? Even if they were strangers?

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Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?


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Touché, Anna!

laugh.gif cheers.gif clap.gif

😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

Movie likes to poke his nose where it doesn't belong and then play the victim when people call him on it.

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

I honestly don’t care about their feud I just like riling our resident barn animal up 😁

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

It's a hoot right? I wish he would impregnate her!

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

Ironic considering you resemble a cow

Smells like Steve Lake the chomo in here

Formerly known as WildManWizard

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?


😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!

Why do you care so LITTLE….

Why do you care so LITTLE about the murder of innocent unborn babies?


😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!

Why do you care so LITTLE….

It's about MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS. The child is inside of another person. It is basically part of that person's body. It isn't born yet. Geesh. Get a clue.

The Jamaican national motto is 'Out of Many One People', based on the population's multiracial roots.🇯🇲

Why do you care so LITTLE….

The child is inside of another person.
It's still a child.

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Why do you care so LITTLE….

But when it is still attached and cannot live without the mother, it is part of her body. Her body, her choice.

The Jamaican national motto is 'Out of Many One People', based on the population's multiracial roots.🇯🇲

Why do you care so LITTLE….

They abort children even when they could survive on their own.

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Why do you care so LITTLE….

In very rare cases if there is a risk to the mother’s life. Late term abortions are not the norm and are highly traumatic for the mother and not something they wake up one morning and decide to do because they changed their mind.

Why do you care so LITTLE….

They want women to die during childbirth like what happens in 3rd world countries or episodes of House of the Dragon.

The Jamaican national motto is 'Out of Many One People', based on the population's multiracial roots.🇯🇲

Why do you care so LITTLE….

It’s a fetus, not a child.

Why do you care so LITTLE….

You can call a child whatever you want for your magic self-brainwashing spell to work babe.

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Why do you care so LITTLE….

Tell us, will you be present for all of the child's birthday parties? I was just wondering since you're acting like the child's guardian.

The Jamaican national motto is 'Out of Many One People', based on the population's multiracial roots.🇯🇲

Why do you care so LITTLE….

Go defend your friend Miley she needs you.

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Why do you care so LITTLE….

She can handle herself for now.

The Jamaican national motto is 'Out of Many One People', based on the population's multiracial roots.🇯🇲

Why do you care so LITTLE….

So if someone murders someone in front of your house, are you just going to mind your own business? It's another person after all, Donkey.


😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

They only care about what the woman does with her own body. They are not interested in what happens after a baby is born and what kind of life it ends up having, even if it lives in miserable property.

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

I would care that the child doesn't grow up to become a child killer. That would be wrong and immoral.

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Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?


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Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

Yeah but the point is that that lady was blocking an entrance to the building. That is a fire hazard. It is not okay to create a fire hazard because she wanted to control what women do with their own bodies.

The Jamaican national motto is 'Out of Many One People', based on the population's multiracial roots.🇯🇲

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

I'm not saying you're wrong, just that if the lady was blocking the entrance and there really was a fire, she would get trampled to death. I think people who protest many times don't consider what would be the most effective form of protest.

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Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

I'm not saying you're wrong, just that if the lady was blocking the entrance and there really was a fire, she would get trampled to death.

Exactly exactly. She was a danger to herself and others. Crazy lady.

The Jamaican national motto is 'Out of Many One People', based on the population's multiracial roots.🇯🇲

Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

Who gives a **** either way? The abortion debate is such a snoozefest.

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Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

I think he's more concerned that the punishment doesn't fit the crime. She's 89 and faces 11 years in prison for a relatively minor offense. It's not like she killed anyone.

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Re: Why does MovieMan care so much about other people's unborn?

I guess what she did wasn't a minor case. Maybe next time she will think about what she did. I doubt that will do that much time though.

The Jamaican national motto is 'Out of Many One People', based on the population's multiracial roots.🇯🇲