The Shawshank Redemption : Will Shawshank lose its power after 2/20/17?

Will Shawshank lose its power after 2/20/17?

Shawshank has for a while now remained the top underdog champ and it's because of IMDb making it number one It's a great movie but to me and many a great good movie as opposed to a true classic like The Godfather but

Anyhow, I'm wondering that, when the boards close, and when the proverbial tree makes no more sound in the woods, will this movie mean as much when the boards close it seems, to me, no one will care about things like what's number one or hell even number 11 for that matter since there will be no more discussion of any kind, a lot like if you're alone and see something marvelous it's like you've seen nothing, really

anyhow, this whole imdb shutting the boards is insane but makes sense and mind you folks it aint because of the trolls, it's the studio system that runs right alongside with imdb imdb is a catch-all for the bigwig corporates and even the millionaire actors, and neither like to be told, that their emperor's suit isn't visible

ok then, take care and have a pleasant life everyone

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Re: Will Shawshank lose its power after 2/20/17?

. when the boards close it seems, to me, no one will care about things like what's number one or hell even number 11 for that matter..

Nobody care now, well, except a tiny minority who post incessantly about it.

If I were the webmaster of a discussion board, I would remove the rating system entirely.

It's just *so* tiring reading the constant complaints about the average movie watcher not voting the way the complainer wants.

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Re: Will Shawshank lose its power after 2/20/17?

I think it will lose a fair bit of prestige, yes, unfortunately.

Being number one on the top 250 was a huge boost for Shawshank for many years, people might come across the site, discussing other movies, then see the top 250 and become very interested in the top movies, particularly in the number one, it's the 'peoples choice'