Mr. Holland's Opus : Female Principal ??
Re: Female Principal ??
Keep in mind that teaching was one of the first and, for a long time, only! professions in which women could not only succeed but excel! While there were many "schoolmasters" throughout the years, there were just as many "schoolmarms" :) Especially in America! Teaching has been, and still is, a female-dominated profession. I should know I am one. And so is my father, an elementary school music teacher. He is one of two men in his school. Female teachers still outnumber male teachers by something like 3:1 (and don't get me started on how few minorities become teachers! My school is almost entirely white, with maybe 2 Hispanic/Spanish teachers predictably, teaching Spanish). It wouldn't shock me in the slightest to see a female principal. Heck, I think my mom, who was in middle school in '65, mentioned a female principal she hated.
Re: Female Principal ??
Wasn't she an assistant principal at first?
Re: Female Principal ??
I had a female principal in the 50s. Not in the biblical sense, though.
Re: Female Principal ??
I was actually sort of upset and surprised that they didn't have a scene of her passing since she ment so much to Mr. Holland.
Re: Female Principal ??
I thought she was in the audience in the end concert.
Re: Female Principal ??
Are you referring to the woman sitting next to Mr. Walters? I think that was his wife, and that she sometimes helped with school functions?
Re: Female Principal ??
My grandmother was a principal from 1957 to 1972.
Female Principal ??
Were there many female principals in 65 ? Just wondering.