The Big Bang Theory : scene I'd like to see

scene I'd like to see

Amy at the Chinese restaurant where actor James Huang plays the waiter. "Where's your annoying friend who thinks he speaks mandarin?"

I have a feeling he and Amy would not get along.

"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau

Re: scene I'd like to see

I would love to see Penny screwing up big for once and having to apologize to Leonard big time for once.

Or Sheldon falling flat on his face and put in his place maybe by an even bigger 'Sheldon' so to speak.

We Don't Take No *beep* From A Machine!!

Re: scene I'd like to see

But they, essentially, did that when Sheldon admitted that Kripke's work was more advanced and, more recently, when Sheldon said he could not do the math.

Re: scene I'd like to see

I'd say he was put in his place a bit by Will Wheaton and for sure Stephen Hawking.

Re: scene I'd like to see

have a feeling he and Amy would not get along.

Why not

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys~**

Re: scene I'd like to see

either she would pull a Sheldon and criticize the food for not being authentic enough or she would try to hard to endear herself to him, neither of which he would seem to enjoy.

"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau

Re: scene I'd like to see

I think they'd get along fine. Amy is very patient. She can be pushed past her patience level, but she's better than most people.

I'd like to see Stuart be successful at something. I think he could make it as an artist. Why they dropped that line and made him totally pathetic is beyond me. And I'd like to see more eps where the whole gang does something together, like they did with the scavenger hunt.

Re: scene I'd like to see

The scavenger hunt is one of my favorite episodes. I'd love to see the whole gang together again. Stuart can babysit.

Re: scene I'd like to see

Agreed. He is the Murray Slaughter of the show.

Every show has a sad sack. Beats me why.

Re: scene I'd like to see

I'd LOVE to see Stuart to hook up with Emily or Claire! Imagine how Raj would feel! Raj totally blew it with Emily and Claire.

"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau

Re: scene I'd like to see

Especially Claire. It was dumb of him to get back with Emily at all, when he had already said that he didn't think they were right for each other. He tried to break up with her and ended up say I love you. Then he finally did break up with her but allowed himself to be manipulated into seeing her again, even with Claire waiting in the wings. So dumb.

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"