Devil in a Blue Dress : Re-boot


It's too late for a sequel with Denzel and Don (for many reasons - age, salary, etc)

I'd be game to start the series over with new actors with possibly the same director since he got so much right.

Who would you guys suggest for Easy and Mouse and maybe another director?

Re: Re-boot

Eh, I wouldn't want a reboot. Nobody could touch what Cheadle did with the Mouse role. But I wouldn't mind if they recast and made a different story involving these characters. I think many aspects of this story would be changed and not for the better, it was made in the right time period. If only it could have kept going.

I'm sure if they did recast Chiwetel Ejiofor would be considered. Not sure who I would want specifically, but I wouldn't be mad at that.

Rest in Peace Al Freeman Jr. An underrated talent and lovely spirit.

Re: Re-boot

" and made a different story involving these characters" that is a re-boot.
I agree that "Nobody could touch what Cheadle did with the Mouse role"

Re: Re-boot

Hmm, I guess I was thinking in terms of a sequel. Just to clarify, by story I meant another book. When I hear the term reboot I think of situations like Batman Begins, the new Spiderman or the new Nightmare on Elm Street, like a remake. I just meant continue the story with new actors. I can't keep up with the different definitions for remake, re-imagining, reboot. laugh.gif

Rest in Peace Michael Clarke Duncan, your smile will be missed.angel.gif
RIP Al Freeman Jr.angel.gif

Re: Re-boot

This again?

Re: Re-boot

What was so spectacular bout the Cheadleneggrah ? Missed it. Just nother shuckin n jivin over the top neggah. BRAVO