The Soapbox : Hey 'Hayden Rua',

Hey 'Hayden Rua',

blow me, you bhanghi shudra

Re: Hey 'Hayden Rua',

this guy is asking for comments on his fabulously unreal lifestyle and his vankouver vlog.

quit his job and vlogs the world.

banging some hottea too.

remind you of anyone?


Re: Hey 'Hayden Rua',

yeah it remind me of someone lol

Re: Hey 'Hayden Rua',

Get his address Benny and I will be there an hour later.

Re: Hey 'Hayden Rua',

its almost as if he has no public records. seems to be an illegal alien

Re: Hey 'Hayden Rua',

OK he is deleting his social foot prints on the net.

However he may have forgotten something.

Re: Hey 'Hayden Rua',

This is why we can't have nice things.


Re: Hey 'Hayden Rua',

he thinks he has a lead, its cute. he's trying to make one big splash b4 its all over.

Re: Hey 'Hayden Rua',

Fck off shudra bhanghi

manhole worker

Re: Hey 'Hayden Rua',

Actually I have your cell phone number.
Should I give it Chicka?

Or Ben?
Or Gameboy?

Re: Hey 'Hayden Rua',

Sorry sir, u must have me confused with sum1 else