Abandoned and Deceived : I couldn't believe her ex-husband! *spoiler*

I couldn't believe her ex-husband! *spoiler*


I could not believe her ex-husband! He acts like THE ass the whole film, then at the end he walks in like nothing happened!
I was shocked she could even smile at him, I know she was trying to keep the peace for the boys which is admirable.
I would have smashed his face!!!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."

Re: I couldn't believe her ex-husband! *spoiler*

It seems all the bad he did was suddenly forgiven once he gave her the $7,800.00 in back child support.

Re: I couldn't believe her ex-husband! *spoiler*

I'm watching this right now. I don't understand how grandparents can buy children's clothing and tell them they can't bring them home. What the hell kind of people were these? No wonder the husband turned out the way he did. I mean, what kind of grandparents buys kids new outfits and make them take them off when they go home. I have NEVER heard or seen anything like this in my life. And don't get me started on the husband. He would NEVER have seen those kids again. The way he left. He would have been gone forever.

I know we are supposed to forgive and forget. But honestly? I'm not built that way.

I mean, he left her, the kids, she lost everything, she tried to cope, she brings the kids to grandma and grandpa and they say THAT to her.

Good god, the things some women have to go through to raise their children.

Many MANY years ago, I was talking to a woman (I can't believe I remember her name, it was Stacy. She told me "I have not had one dime of child support for 10 years from my ex". I said "but he owes you 10 years, you won't go after him for it". She said and I quote "I will NEVER allow him to see these children, I couldn't care less about his money, I don't want him in their lives".

Never forgot that conversation.

Re: I couldn't believe her ex-husband! *spoiler*

I'm watching this right now. I don't understand how grandparents can buy children's clothing and tell them they can't bring them home. What the hell kind of people were these? No wonder the husband turned out the way he did.

Exactly! That is why before a person gets married, if it is possible they should get to know your future spouses family as good as they can. I know this is late but I am watching it on YouTube now. She had to know how they were. But he was no big deal either. I swear people get to know their video games or a pair of shoes better then they know who they marry.

Re: I couldn't believe her ex-husband! *spoiler*

I know that when I met my ex-husband's parents for the first time, I should have seen some "red flags". Like the fact that his "mother" (long story there) had no problem telling me, the first time we met, that his "brother" was an unwanted child, the result of unreliable birth control. And that he has always known it, and everyone has always known it. She only wanted the first-born (daughter) and everyone knows it.