The View : what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

she went after him hard with amazing golden globe speech

it's never Joan Van Ark- Marge Simpsons

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

Thank you, Meryl, for seizing the moment and making your award about something far, far bigger than yourself. That's what art is supposed to do.

Before Donnie starts tweeting, he should be aware of how out of his depth he is. Ms. Streep did her undergraduate work at Vassar and received her MFA from Yale. She's a true intellectual, a life-long student. He is not her equal. . .on ANY level.

Much text of Meryl's speech is included here:

There will no doubt be zillions of videos available. The emotion with which she spoke those words was searing because it was so truthful.

C'mon, KellyAnne, put the ole Goebbels spin on this. Make the world stop paying attention to Meryl's words by telling us how wonderful your twit-i-ot boss is.

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Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

Its comical that you believe people care about Ms. Streeps opinion of President Elect Trump.

No what's going to be comical is Trumps response. You know he is a big thin skinned baby, he won't be able to resist.

It takes a sick mind for someone to keep replying to your posts when you said they're on ignore.

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

monty, you're right! I thought Ivanka would have prevailed, that she'd be able to convince her dunce father that one of his twitter retaliations was NOT a good idea! But the big baby couldn't stop himself!! Meryl's speech is getting more coverage as a result and people all over the world are cheering her. Trump is a complete and utter imbecile!

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

We care about Meryl's "opinion", because it matches our "opinion". This is not a partisan issue, this is about having respect and treating each other w/ such. Just so you know, teabag, millions of us have her "opinion".

And Jed, he used those gestures on Ted Cruz 3 months after he used them to mock the reporter, not before. You got your facts mixed up. He clearly did it a 2nd time so he could declare he does it all the time, not just about disabled.

And Whoopi is right, using gestures that mimic what certain neurological diseases do to people is STUPID, CALLOUS, & UNPRESIDENTIAL.

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

Talk to anyone with Parkinson's about Trump's imitating the reporter. You will get an earful, I promise you.

You're right, kindheart, about Jed having the incidents in reverse order. Trump was trying to do damage control the second time. It's easy to imagine KellyAnne Goebbels telling him, "Now do it EXACTLY like you did the first time. Wave your right hand more. There, that's it. Okay, you can have your phone back."

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

But what about when Hillary called a black man the N word? I notice you don't mind that.

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Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

Maybe he'll say 'Thank you!' because it's that kind of elitist attitude that elected Trump.

You are all about celebrities. Celebrities, like Streep, are WAY out of touch with real people.

Keep up the good work!

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

There is a quote from Winston Churchill" You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw rocks at every dog that barks." This would be good advice for the new incoming President.

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Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

Isn't it ironic that 3-4 years ago conservatives were b!tching that liberals were vilifying the rich. My how the tables have turned

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Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

Apparently, people though the Dems were.

Now, they are saying stuff like this.

It's just funny to watch how the tide shifts based on ideological beliefs. The "Elites" are the new boogeyman for the GOP. Right up there with "illegals" and "LGBTQ."

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Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

No offense, but Trump is the biggest whiner of them all. I'm looking forward to 4yrs of whine-by-tweet from our president elect.

The Democratic party is not extinct. Frankly I wish we had better options than Dem or Rep, but they will both live to see another day.

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Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

You still dont get it. Trump was elected by pointing out the hypocrisy of the crazy liberal elites.

No - Trump lost the popular votes by 3 million. He won the electoral votes by interference from the Russians - that's pretty well known today. Why are you living in denial?

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16

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Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

Tell me again what the prize for winning the popular vote is?

Crushing Trump's ego. He doesn't care about being President, he doesn't care about the electoral votes - he cares about being the most popular with votersand he isn't. 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary, not Trump - and he lives with that every day, as it eats away at him.every day. (And now it comes out he couldn't win the election at all if it wasn't for the Russians interfering with our election. That just gets to him to no end.)

Did Russian interference help with the Down-ballot elections as well?

Probably - time will tell. Right now 17 agencies are investigating the interference of Putin with the election of Trump. Give it time and be patient - they will find out how far the Russian interference and rigging went. It won't stop with Trump.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

I'd rather be in the elite camp advocating for education and social safety nets than that other elite club, the 1% that advocates only for its own wealth.

The GOP needed to create a bogeyman to distract from their greed and came up with the lame liberal elite nonsense. Sadly, the people who believe it are the same people the GOP is screwing.

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Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

The amount is $348,000 & over to be in the top 1%.

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Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

First of all, not everyone who is against trump is a supporter of Hillary, I know people's "intellect" can't grasp that but it's true.
Second, she spoke about empathy and caring about our fellow manif that's a "snobbish, elitist Liberal view" thank G*d I'm a Liberal and thank G*d I'll never "get it" as the conservatives have.

"When they go low
We go high"

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

Post ignored teadog23
Post ignored teadog23
Post ignored teadog23


Oh the little dog is barking! Meryl Streep made him so, very, very upset!!!

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Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

There is a quote from Winston Churchill" You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw rocks at every dog that barks." This would be good advice for the new incoming President.
Great quote, andre. And very appropriate, imo.

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

Since Trump has trashed the press & the Golden Globes are hosted by the Hollywood Foreign Press, it was the perfect time & place to do this. I thought she was very articulate & appropriate in her speech.

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

It didn't take long -

Donald J. Trump Verified account

Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a..

Overrated???? Who would Trump consider a great actress? Linda Lovelace? She doesn't have to personally know him to know his words.

I wonder if anyone will tell Trump that overrated is not hyphenated? Or do they only do that on this board to people they don't agree with? lol

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

I wonder if anyone will tell Trump that overrated is not hyphenated?

Any grammar questions are forwarded to Hester, who literally cannot tolerate anyone who makes any such errors. Unless you are a liberal. Then she is incredibly tolerant!

Go figure!

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

I know you want to blame everything on Hester & liberals, but it was pjpurple-1
who pointed out the incorrectly hyphenated word. Are you calling a Trump supporter intolerant? Go figure!

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

You still dont get it. Trump was elected by pointing out the hypocrisy of the crazy liberal elites. Your gal lost because of these endorsements. That's because no intelligent real American would listen to any snobbish, elitist, Liberals point of view.

Trump was elected, yes indeed, due to the EC which was established to keep the racist views of the times going strong by insuring the South got equal votes, not one person/one vote.

But only 22% of ALL Americans voted for him.
He really was elected as a result of the following: Comey, Wikileaks, voter suppression, not counting all the votes, Russian interference, tapping into people's hatreds, that is, as you say, what got Trump elected.

Not in any particular order:
caring about healthcare, respecting people, civil rights, saving our environment, maintaining our democracy and our Constitution, preserving regulations that protect workers from injury & residents from factories spilling lead & other chemicals into their drinking water, permitting anyone regardless of background to get a gun does not make a person a liberal-elite.

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Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

I'm sorry but pjpurple overstepped her bounds. Grammar is Hester's job. I thought that was understood throughout IMDB.

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

Ha! This is funny! I was just reading this thread out of some perverse interest, I suppose, and I see my name brought up. Refresh my memory? When did I point out some incorrectly hyphenated word? I guess I did. I just don't remember when. And once again, it IS nice to know that people remember what I post even if I have forgotten. I am glad you are learning something.

It is nice to know that I live on in the minds of liberals!! LOL Thanks

Facts are not liberals strong suit. Rhetoric is. Thomas Sowell

Re: what will donald trump tweet about meryl streep

Don't flatter yourself. I don't know why I read your posts if you don't even read them. I'm not putting you on ignore, just ignoring your posts from now on.

"I am glad you are learning something."

The only thing I learned is what a childish a/hole you are & it has nothing to do with your politics..