Electric Apricot : Any more info on movie showings and dates?

Any more info on movie showings and dates?

Will this movie be showed at other movie theatres and will it be released on DVD and if known what are the dates?

Re: Any more info on movie showings and dates?

go to hell, i hate you

Re: Any more info on movie showings and dates?

It showed on March 16th and 17th, of this year (2007), at Alamo Downtown and Opal Divine's Freehouse in Austin, Tx.

Re: Any more info on movie showings and dates?

You are *beep* me?!?

Why didn't they show at the Alamo Drafthouse in Houston, too?!?!?!?!

Re: Any more info on movie showings and dates?

Man I forgot about this thread and movie! I actually had the chance to see it, and I didn't even finish the movie (by choice). It was very amature, the acting was hardly bareable from some of the characters, and I don't remember laughing once. I was really disappointedPerhaps I'll actually give it another shot and watch the movie in it's entirety someday.

"Gleemonex makes it feel like its 72 degrees in your head all the time!"