Fight Club : What would Tyler think of this current generation?

What would Tyler think of this current generation?

Tyler's head would explode if he saw the current generation of SJWs, liberals, emasculated men, etc. It's probably past the point of no return.

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Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

The selfie generation? Hmm maybe Edward Norton and Brad Pitt can make another movie together? We'll call it Snap Shot or Social Site. Something like that?

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

He'd loathe them utterly I'm sure.

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

errr what RealOne? What are Liberals or SJW? I mean, what does Tyler care about that? You mumble dialectical points for little reason. Does Tyler does need bourgeois materialism or pussy losers like yourselves who are emasculated and homo's. Keep on loving your government mandated property, your personal "possessions" and fake "rights".

Tyler RealOne, would put your nuts and cock on a table and either tell you to give it all up or crush them and whats left of your faded masculinity right there.

We wonder why society is dying, idiots like this are a good point to start. Your no different than somebody crying racism everywhere.

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

None of that made any sense whatsoever. NONE OF IT. My god you're stupid.

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Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

Who cares what Tyler would think? He was a psycho terrorist. We don't listen to them.

Let's be bad guys.

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

Exactly. Tyler was not a hero. He was a hypocrite and a terrorist. That's why the narrator got rid of him.

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

Yeah. Tyler preached non-conformity and thinking for yourself, yet Project Mayhem was full of the biggest conformists. Same clothes, same hair style, same way of thinking.

And people still miss that he's not some free thinker to follow.

Let's be bad guys.

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

Did you thought Tyler was like Buddha at first with his philosophy and was badass before he became a borderline criminal and did the narrator outgrew him and learn to grow up?

Is the film and book's message is "Don't be a sheepie" and think yourself and be the person you want to be and not what others want you to be?

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"

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Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

I haven't read it, but the author of book, which the movie follows closely, wrote a sequel in the forum of a comic.

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

but the current generation thinks tyler is ungrateful hack who whines about being successful. people like him try out the poor, burn out lifestyle for a year or two then realize they have to grow up and get real jobs, except the difference here is that era of there life is a phase which they can slip out of when it gets inconvenient.

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

It's the ultimate vacation: poverty tourism. All the rage in the Twentieth Century. Even George Orwell did it.

A tribute to real men

Re: A tribute to real men

Tyler would straighten things out and take care of SJWs his way.

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"

Re: A tribute to real men

Ha. Nah. He'd come up with lame "pranks" before moving on to terrorism.

You are sin.

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

Given that Tyler, under that layer of anarcho-pseudo-philosophy crap, really is a violent terrorist fascist, yes he would hate peaceful liberals, SJWs, weak men, etc etc.

What the film shows us really is how the vulnerable modern, liberal capitalist society is to a strong charismatic leader with a plan.

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

People like Tyler would find something to hate in every generation.
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

If there is something wrong with today's generation, boomers and Gen X are to blame. The Oompa Loompas knew what they were talking about. So bravo on admitting your fault in ruining the world. Douche.

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

Tyler's head would explode if he saw the current generation of SJWs, liberals, emasculated men, etc. It's probably past the point of no return.

You hit the nail on the head.

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Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

"Tyler" isn't real so it doesn't matter.

When there's no more room on the internet, the dumb will walk the earth.

Re: What would Tyler think of this current generation?

I don't really see why he would be againts that to be honest. I feel he is more likely to dislike conservatism and the growing right winged populism.