The Orphan Killer : Planted Reviews?

Planted Reviews?

I am a fan of slashers, horror or not. Plus I don't like kids.

Okay maybe I crossed a line there THE POINT IS! I just really want to know whether or not the reviewers here who came in and only reviewed this movie are doing so for some ulterior motive. I've never seen so many people sign up just to review one movie so blindingly positively.

And hey, I'm being sincere here; it's possible they really signed up because they honestly thought this movie was THAT awesome. I just want to know.

I'm probably gonna check it out if I get a chance to get around to it, but I was just wondering.

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Re: Planted Reviews?

klownz, I know you have a pretty decent list of horror movies on your list. So if your a plant or part of the film then at least your a movie fanbut I don't get your defense of this film.
Is it BAD? No. But this is NOT the bill of goods being sold, and that's the problem.
It's an average slasher flick. Better then Bunnyman but below Rest in Pieces or Gutterballs.

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Re: Planted Reviews?

Well, I can appreciate your loyalty to the film makers due to their involvement with the fans, however, we other movie watchers MUST look at a film objectively.
The biggest problem I have with the movie is NOT the movie but the propaganda that was fed to us. It is insulting to the fans and planted reviews that give a movie such as this a 10 are disrespectful to new viewers and to much better movies.
Again, this is NOT a terrible movie. It's just not a very good one.
I have no interest in forming a witchhunt to uncover whether or not your a plant. If you say your not then I'll give you the benefit of the doubtbut, there are clearly plants on the reviews and the message boards of this movie. To me..that's just unethical.

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Re: Planted Reviews?

6 is a very realistic rating. I, myself, gave it a 5.

Re: Planted Reviews?

What is this conspiracy against the people involved in the film? it's crazy. They have so many good reviews that are reputable? Whoever started this is really a troll. The film has massive fans. Of course they are going to say amazing things.

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Re: Planted Reviews?

Just signed up today. The people who made the film put out a release to all the fans that said go and rate it on IMDB. They got a ton of fans. I gave it a review. I had never even been on here till today. Just wrote a review of Carrie (1976) of course and Hellraiser. I bet a bunch of the fans went in and did that. I saw your link to my profile. It will fill out as I go along but you got real problems man. I love this movie. Not sure why you'd even care to be here doing what your doing. Weird stuff.

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Re: Planted Reviews?

It will fill out as I go along

And it never filled out

Re: Planted Reviews?

Wish I had got to you earlier. Yes, to answer your questionmuch planting. Watch the movie for what it is. Average slasher with little originality and sometimes cheesy/laughable gore. I give it a 5 for the moviebut a 1 for the film makers invading the boards with their ludicrous promotion.

Re: Planted Reviews?

unfortunately planted reviews and fixed ratings happen all the time on here. it's a shame imdb has not clamped down on this sort of thing. It's usually the production crew or people connected to the actual movie who leave the bogus reviews claiming that the latest piece of trash is a fantastic film. it's a shame because they can mislead you into checking out a movie thats terrible when you could of been watching something worthwhile. Thankfully people are not so gullible these days and the vast majority of movie goers can spot the BS reviews

Re: Planted Reviews?

Movie is amazing. Trash to some, a horror masterpiece to all those who know what they're talking about!
They got a bunch of trolls on here who can't handle how good it did.

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Re: Planted Reviews?

Mhudsondevout is one of the loudest voices on this board. He is singing the praises of this film at every possible oppurtunity.

He has even written a gushing review on it here:

The Orphan Killer is the 21st Centuries new horror icon., 14 May 2011
Author: mhudsondevout from United States

Hands down the best horror film in 30 years. The Orphan Killer has over 85,000 fans on Facebook and it' growing fast. At first I thought he was a real serial killer on Facebook. Then when I realized it was a film I bought it and was so happy I did. Matt Farnsworth is a horror GOD and Diane Foster is the new scream queen of the world. A real siren. She can seriously act . If you have not seen this get it while it lasts. They are only selling it on Facebook for a limited time. Then it goes into wider release in October 2011. This film will have you on the edge of your seat. Fans are saying it is better than the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I agree. I have worked in the horror and film world for years and nothing has come across my screens like this. It's one of those films the studios are too stupid to realize it's a big deal until it already is. Then they want to take part in the sequels. If you like gore and hardcore horror The Orphan Killer is for you. He is the Jason Vorhees, Mike Meyers, and Freddy Krueger of this generation. Saw is not worth mentioning up against The Orphan Killer. Seriously the studios should sit down with a pad and paper and watch The Orphan Killer just to try and figure out how to do it right. The film has to be a multi million dollar picture with all the helicopter shots and big budget effect. Bravo to all involved. Hats off.

I even bolded the part where he mentions how he discovered this film and believed it to be real. Gosh, a real, true, legitimate fan.

MHudsonDevout must really love this film, he signed up purely to post a review on this film and to post on this message board.

Isn't it great that this film has fans like this?

Well, no, because MHudsonDevout is Matt Hudson.

The same Matt Hudson who is a Director of Business Development at Full Fathom Five LLC. That's right, Full Fathom Five LLC being Matt Farnsworth's (the director and writer of The Orphan Killer) production company. (imdb profile - will be privatised when he realises he has been discovered) ctions&view=simple&sort=alpha Evidence shot

Of course Matt Hudson aka mhudsondevout hasn't contained his impartial and unbiased opinion to just IMDb, oh no, he has been extolling TOK's dubious virtues to just about any message board he can get his hands on. Notably cropping up for one shill post and then disappearing into the sunset. t=7 y=

Noone has been fooled by your amateurish attempts at shill reviewing your own product. You are an absolute disgrace.

Re: Planted Reviews?

Of course they are sincere reviews. The orphan killer has 176,000
Fans and rising. Tell me this guy is faking it.
Theres no rule on here that says you cant review just one film. These people that accused the filmmakers of planting reviews are nothing short of worthless. They should be banned from posting on TOks imdb. TOK is an ICON.

Re: Planted Reviews?

saw also *beep* of planted reviews in pighunt 2008 which is an okay above avarage horror movie

Re: Planted Reviews?

It's true that IMDB suffers a lot from planted reviews and ratings, which is a shame irrespective of what the reviews say, people can make up their own minds when they see the movie, and based on that, can come to the obvious conclusion about the reviews. So you end up with a poorer opinion of the movie-makers in that case if you feel they are behind the 'faked' reviews.

For TOK, the glowing reviews are obviously plants, as the movie itself could hardly merit 3/10. There's no real originality, the music is off-putting, acting dreadful, apart from the female lead who tries hard, and editing and camera-work average at best. Of course this is true of many low-budget horrors, but you feel doubly cheated to watch a poor film, and then be subjected to obviously planted reviews. This just means that any subsequent movies from the same creative team will be dismissed out of hand due to this unseemly tactic.

If you're gonna make a movie let it stand and fall be what it is. Don't start from the premise of trying to con your potential audience this way.

Re: Planted Reviews?

It's a cheap badly directed, poorly edited slasher movie that has even less plot then generic slasher movie.

It's quite boring on top of that, has no real energy, it looks like extended scene from black metal video. (I could swear some scenes were just randomly placed in the movie and director hoped for best)

I would love to meet those people who think this is something other then Z grade horror movie that will make your eyes bleed because of horrible camera work.

2/10 for effort.

Even the bad slashers of 80s had some sense of what they were doing and at least they looked like proper film.