The Moment of Truth : Top 4 Reasons Why This Show Should Be Cancelled

Top 4 Reasons Why This Show Should Be Cancelled

1) The contestants take too long to answer the questions. I would much prefer to see more contestants during the hour long slot than be dragged along with "suspenseful" pauses and ambiguous/nervous facial expressions.

2) Before the commercial break, I usually hear a "difficult" question. When the commercial is over, I am forced to listen to EVERYTHING I just heard before the commercial break. This constant repetition makes it extremely easy to flip back and forth between this show and another channel, otherwise I got bored out of my mind because I've heard the same thing over and over and over.

3) The host is Mark L. Walberg. He is not nearly as manly or interesting as the real Mark Wahlberg. Even the movie Planet of the Apes was better than this crappy show.

4) They're making another season with celebrities. More than likely these will not be interesting or controversial celebrities like OJ Simpson or R Kelly. They'll probably get some random boring reality star who nobody cares about. Who else would want to sit on that stage with Mark L. Walberg?

Re: Top 4 Reasons Why This Show Should Be Cancelled

lol "the real Mark Walberg" lol

They also said politicians would be on next season. Yeah right. Like they'll have on Bush or Cheney. They'll probably have on the Mayor of NobodygivesaSh_t

The biggest "celebrity" they'll get is the guy

I say put Mark L. Walberg in the hot seat and ask him personal questions like "Do you still find your wife attractive?" and "Are you proud of yourself for hosting this crappy show?"

Re: Top 4 Reasons Why This Show Should Be Cancelled

i bet they ask "do you look down on people arent rich and famous"

"Ill lash you within an inch of your life and then Im going to have you!" evil9.gif

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Re: Top 4 Reasons Why This Show Should Be Cancelled

"1) The contestants take too long to answer the questions. I would much prefer to see more contestants during the hour long slot than be dragged along with "suspenseful" pauses and ambiguous/nervous facial expressions.

2) Before the commercial break, I usually hear a "difficult" question. When the commercial is over, I am forced to listen to EVERYTHING I just heard before the commercial break. This constant repetition makes it extremely easy to flip back and forth between this show and another channel, otherwise I got bored out of my mind because I've heard the same thing over and over and over."

That's exactly what I think when I see the show. It really pisses me off.

I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes youstranger. -The Joker

Re: Top 4 Reasons Why This Show Should Be Cancelled

Really? Only four reasons? smile.gif

Mark L. Walberg was much more interesting on "Test The Nation" - now there's a game show FOX badly needs back on its schedule.

Please let me know if there's some other way we can screw up tonight.
William Shatner, Star Trek 6

Re: Top 4 Reasons Why This Show Should Be Cancelled

Excerpt from final script ever:

"Okay, so if you answer this next question truthfully, you'll take home $100,000. Question 11: Is everything on this show fake?"
(producers shown grinding teeth in control booth; bad, repetitive suspense music comes up)
Mark Walberg (thinking: almost everything, but not quite so I'm cool): "No."
Computer: That answer istrue.

(Cheesy faux tubular bell music sounds; Mark almost faints and/or pukes).

Announcer: "Well done! Question 12: If what is on the show is real, do you ever feel like a hideous, repulsive life-sucking skeeze who, if there is a hell, is probably going there for making a huge profit from human misery and the destruction of the most precious thing in the universe, love between two people?"
Mark Walberk (thinking: oh dear God in heaven, why couldn't I have been Marky Mark?? Why couldn't I have been in Boogie Nights??): "Yes."

The studio explodes. End transcript.


(In the booth, the technician screams for the crew to run an old episode of Hell's Kitchen.)

Re: Top 4 Reasons Why This Show Should Be Cancelled

lol! I love your #3!

Re: Top 4 Reasons Why This Show Should Be Cancelled

The so called "lie detector" that they use has got to be crappy. I mean, lie detector tests, in general, are about 65% right. So, since there's no way this show would get a detector that is right about half of the time (because those should be used for REAL things like using it to test a serial killer or in serious cases in court), that means that the ones they use are probably like 20% right.

What do you think?

evil7.gif Edward Cullen can bite me yes.gif