Pushing Daisies : A way that Ned and Chuck could touch again directly:

A way that Ned and Chuck could touch again directly:

either Ned's abilities or flesh memory would determine this factor. in theory, if by his powers primarily, they would recognize that they brought Chuck back already, compensate for the fluke and she'd likely die again, this time for real. given flesh memory instead, reviving Chuck by touching her for a second time would count as two touches and trick the ability into giving her back life instead of taking it away and not take it away as the two touch rule is now circumvented and allowing for Ned to touch her freely without concern of her dying again. once again, in theory.

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Re: A way that Ned and Chuck could touch again directly:

There's no reason to assume if she were to die again from whatever cause, that his "gift" would work on her, at all.

There's a reason he doesn't let digby play in the traffic, after all. If it were that simple, he'd poison the dog ages ago, and bring him back to life properly this time.

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming