It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia : so Mac's gay….

so Mac's gay….

im not sure how to feel about that.

i told you not to stop, now lets go - Apocalypse Now

Re: so Mac's gay….

Everyone knew Mac was gay for a while. The question is will he stay out of the closet

Re: so Mac's gay….

I don't know about all this.

i told you not to stop, now lets go - Apocalypse Now

Re: so Mac's gay….

Mac has been pretty clearly depicted as gay for the last few seasons at the very least.

Re: so Mac's gay….

Macs been gay since season 4. The project badass episode if I remember.

Re: so Mac's gay….

I'd say the implication has been there since season one. He dated a chick with a dick ffs.

Re: so Mac's gay….

The implication

Re: so Mac's gay….

Nowyou said that word, implication, a couple of times.what implication?

Re: so Mac's gay….

Are you going to hurt women?

Re: so Mac's gay….

Glad he is. Gay mac sounds like it's going to be funnier than it already is. Though, it would have been funny if he continued to claim he wasn't, but then tried to get into prison just so he could use the excuse that there's only guys in there.

Re: so Mac's gay….

Are you the only person who didnt know Mac was gay or something?

Re: so Mac's gay….

This show is the spiritual successor Seinfeld. In Seinfeld the characters never changed. Never learned anything. Seems an odd thing to do with Mac.

i told you not to stop, now lets go - Apocalypse Now

Re: so Mac's gay….

But they have changed. A lot really. Just compare season 1 gang to the current gang. They have descended into horrible horrible people. Much worse than before. Dee is a great example of this. She started as the shows voice of reason..

Re: so Mac's gay….

In terms of character development Seinfeld and Always sunny couldn't be more different. They all become more insane during the years.

Re: so Mac's gay….

Mac dated a chick with a dick in the very first season (or was it season 2?)

And you're saying this is coming from nowhere?

The season 11 finale also dealt with Mac coming out - then he went back into the closet again - which is what the gang was saying in this episode

Re: so Mac's gay….

Mac dated a chick with a dick in the very first season (or was it season 2?)

True, but I always gave Mac a pass on that one since Brittany Daniel is super hot. Honestly, if I met Scarlett Johanson with a penis, I might just pull a Mac and "put in my time" until she got it removed.

Re: so Mac's gay….

Didn't he have a threesome with those two married dudes in that episode? I mean, he banged a gay married couple. That's pretty gay. So

Re: so Mac's gay….

yeah but the Gang don't know that

Re: so Mac's gay….

The rule with Seinfeld wasn't that they never changed. It was that the characters never grew and evolved into better people. Went hand in hand with the never learned anything rule.

Characters growing and becoming better people had become pretty much a requisite in sitcoms. Seinfeld made themselves the rule that they were NOT going become better people.

Sunny took it a step further. Not only were they not going to become better people, they were actually going to become WORSE people. That's what they mean by "Seinfeld on crack".

Re: so Mac's gay….

Mac has always been gay, but that was never the joke. The joke of Mac's character is that he is in denial, delusional, and incredibly insecure. Him admitting that he is gay does not remove all of his problems. If anything, I'm glad to see that they are moving on from this one-note joke after so many years. Mac admitting that he is gay can open so many doors for him (or closets *nooch*). I'm excited to see where they go with this.

This is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out of here-Michael Scott

Re: so Mac's gay….

This show is the spiritual successor Seinfeld. In Seinfeld the characters never changed. Never learned anything. Seems an odd thing to do with Mac.

The difference is the gang have all changed, change is good.