Mean Creek : Good movie except for drowning?! WTF

Good movie except for drowning?! WTF

The movie would have made sense if they'd actually killed him. All they did was push him into a slow moving river. You'd think there would be 50 people a day drowning at the local swimming pool.

I know deaths are never realistic in movies, but come on.

I bounced/fell down a 150 foot cliff when i was 7 years old and only suffered a few scrapes and bruises until a rock hit me in the head at the bottom and gave me a concussion. Dying from falling into placid water? Please.

Re: Good movie except for drowning?! WTF

It could happen. Technically, you can drown in the bathtub. George obviously cracked his head in the water which could have caused him to take on enough water to drown, especially if he got knocked out or something (I can't recall if he was still conscious after hitting his head or not).

Re: Good movie except for drowning?! WTF

George could not swim! What's hard to understand??

Re: Good movie except for drowning?! WTF

Actually you can down in two cups of water is not that uncommon to drown in a river. Also George clearly couldn't swim.

I don't remember them pushing him in the river. I remember Marty charging him but then the other boys held him back and George fell in so it all seems like a case of reaping what sew. God don't like ugly and George was being super ugly.

Re: Good movie except for drowning?! WTF

He was pushed in so he would stop talking by one person.

Re: Good movie except for drowning?! WTF

The movie would have made sense if they'd actually killed him.
I am glad you never make movies. That is such a cliched thing to happen and plus they never planned on killing him or even wanted to. This also shows real-life.

Rodents of Unusual Size?I don't think they exist.