The Big Bang Theory : Wah wah wah laugh track wah wah

Wah wah wah laugh track wah wah

Want some cheese to go with that whine? Sick of you PUKES who act like a show is bad just because it's a multi cam. Since it's clear you corn water bastards have bird brains, let me explain it to you. Parks and Recs was trash because it was trash, not because it was a single cam show. The Great Indoors is beyond garbage because of the show, not the format it's filmed. The same ones who moan about laugh tracks are likely the same hot dog chuggers who allow a shyt website like rotten tomatoes to finesse them out of seeing a movie that they wanted to see just because some bald stranger said it sucked. You're all jokes.

Re: Wah wah wah laugh track wah wah

Uh, you DO know RottenTomatoes doesn't review films, right? They just gather other reviews and give an overall score.

You aren't one of those BvS fanboys who wanted RT shut down because of the crap RT score it got, are you? I watched the first hour of that movie and that's all I could stand. Only three things happened: 1) People hated Superman, 2) People hated Batman, and 3) Jesse Eisenberg makes the worst acting calls since Hayden Christensen.

And before you respond, do realize I'm not one of those people who think audience laughter is cheap and equates to a crappy show.

"Happy trails, Hans."John McClane, Die Hard

Re: Wah wah wah laugh track wah wah

Superhero movies are by far the worst. No, I'm not a "fanboy" of anything to do with that nonsense.

Baldness is wrong !

I don't listen to bald strangers !