The Big Bang Theory : Fav Avatars and Emojis

Fav Avatars and Emojis

Everyone here has either a standard avatar or a series of them. I do like kerrydavis Simpson avatar and of course 4Lemons green fairy. I even remember long ago poster Ash had a particular Indian image that he explained once. Well pretty much all of them. Even Koolguys Vanilla Ice avatar always gave me a chuckle
As for Emojis I would say the classic one for me is the clinking beer mugs cheer

Re: Fav Avatars and Emojis

Good Afternoon Znex,
It is hard for me to pick a favorite avatar because there are several good ones out there, but I would like to compliment you on yours, as you created it yourself and it's bright and colorful and catching to the eye. I'm glad you liked my fairy. I guess after Sunday she can finally set down that lime.

As for emoticons and emojis (I still don't know the difference), I use these the most: and , but I always wanted a reason to use: .

Too bad I never started a thread on spontaneous combustion.

With sincere sincerity,

I don't think I've ever looked for frogs under my butt while I was wearing my Snow White gown.

Re: Fav Avatars and Emojis

Hi, y'all
Can I join in?
and vote for me?

Fractured Fairytales.
I always loved how the book sounds, as it slaps shut, squishing the fairy between it's pages.

I guess my real vote will be for Murph.
I love the Blues Brothers, so, just seeing the name makes me feel good.

I am big!
It's the thumb-nails that got small.

Re: Fav Avatars and Emojis

Agreed. When it comes to avatars, it begins and ends with the lovely MsLemons. It's like Gilda Radner on SNL: no female on that show comes close.

Emoji-wise, here are the four I used the most

"Happy trails, Hans."John McClane, Die Hard

Re: Fav Avatars and Emojis

For avatar, I have to vote for myself, because it was created by the lovely Ms. Lemons!

Fav emojis:

One I always wanted to use: (I love earmuffs!)

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"

Re: Fav Avatars and Emojis

I throw up in my mouth a little when i hear the word emoji.
This newer generation on the web really ruined it.

Re: Fav Avatars and Emojis

No votes for my Black Phillip avatar?

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys~**

Re: Fav Avatars and Emojis

Everyone here has either a standard avatar or a series of them. I do like kerrydavis Simpson avatar and of course 4Lemons green fairy. I even remember long ago poster Ash had a particular Indian image that he explained once. Well pretty much all of them. Even Koolguys Vanilla Ice avatar always gave me a chuckle

As for Emojis I would say the classic one for me is the clinking beer mugs cheer

Yeahalso like that one.

When it comes to choosing one of my own; Ive never been able to decideguess Im waiting for divine inspiration.

As for Emojis, my personal favorite is . Sometimes someone will say something so unsupportable based on what has happened in a show that you wonder if theyve been watching the show.

Count your joys instead of your woes; count your friends instead of your foes."