The Big Bang Theory : To Tom…or who ever you are today…
tomtrueman, Tom Trueman, is a homophobic, bigoted, hate-filled liar and troll.
When the weather is UGLY, I don't feel like going out in it so I sit at my computer and amuse myself by stirring the pot and causing reactions and excitement. That's not being "a troll", since I talk all the time about the TV show and people who are on it. It's called provoking an interesting discussion. (There are a few here who even GOT that about me)
You are so fvcking wrong I shouldn't even be justifying this with an answer. You freely admit to stirring up nothing but schitt for fun (which IS the correct definition of a troll), yet in the next sentence you claim to be creating an interesting discussion. No. Just fvcking NO. All you do is DERAIL decent discussions. You're one of the CAUSES of these boards getting shut down. I don't expect you to understand that since nothing negative could ever in a million years be your fault, but whatever.
Tgdoignis may be just as bad as you, but that doesn't change the fact that he's RIGHT.
I agree.
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I think tammy's bra is too tight. Didn't they teach you how to properly fit a bra back in drag school?
A true troll is someone who never mentions the TV show or the movie being discussed, but who uses every single post to attack another poster, who is simply expressing an opinion the way everyone else feels entitled to do. That MY posts keep being deleted, while so much vicious schitt is never removed or flushed down the toilet, is the real reason why these boards are not worth saving. They really deserve to die.
I'm sorry, this is all I could think of reading that paragraph:
Oh, like hell he is. When you find yourself siding with a complete psychopath just because he doesn't like me EITHER, that's a sure sign you're on the wrong track, and it's time to get off it while you still can.
Here's a link to a photo of the precise amount of fvcks I give about your damn "stalker":
by stirring the pot and causing reactions and excitement.
That IS what a troll does, you f'king worthless piece of $#*&.
"Happy trails, Hans."John McClane, Die Hard
No, it isn't. Your confused definition is as mixed up as you are.
That IS what a troll does
Ever the erudite and eloquent debater! Do you talk to your "students" with that mouth?
you f'king worthless piece of $#*&.
That a cloddish idiot like you is attempting to "teach" the children of America is a good example of why the U.S. is heading to hell on the express train.
This is exactly the way tommy has spoken to me even though I've never said a mean or rude word to her.
That a cloddish idiot like you is attempting to "teach" the children of America is a good example of why the U.S. is heading to hell on the express train.
Most people can $#*! something out that's more intelligent and pleasant than you'll ever be. And I would tell every one of my students you are the very reason our world has turned to crap.
"Happy trails, Hans."John McClane, Die Hard
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I would tell every one of my students you are the very reason our world has turned to crap.
I'll bet you would which explains a lot! The reason YOUR world has turned to crap is that idiots like you think *I* am the problem, because I point out your failings and hold you up to well-deserved ridicule.
Somebody has to do it. If it has to be me, well, that's just what it means.
If you people weren't so dense, shallow, and gullible, you wouldn't be in the situation you're in today. You should have listened to me.
Ahhhhhh.. there's the BLT, Etc. Etc.. etc. I know!
Everyone else is wrong!
"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night"
Unfortunately for you, the evidence is speaking for itself.
Everyone else is wrong!
Tommy and his evidence.
He must keep it all in his purse.
He must keep it all in his purse.
(BTW, isn't it sad/funny that DOIG thinks he's getting any support on here? Everyone is just sidestepping all his inane and foolish copy-and-paste blabbering. Some have even said they're just not going to bother with him, at this point. Nobody has supported or even replied to him. He's just wasting his time here, as his last days trickle away.)
Why do you continue to let him upset you? If everything he says is a lie then you have nothing to throw a fit about!
"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night"
Yes, tammy. You ARE the problem. And the sooner you realize this, the sooner the healing can begin.
Heal, tammy.
Heal, tammy.
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Actually, on this one, she/he/it is correcthe/she/it DIDN'T say those things.
One or more of her/his/its OTHER characters/personalities did. Remember, he/she/it has characters that he/she/it plays, just like in a play. He/she/it is an actor/actressremember? ROFL
Such a liar she/he/it is.
One or more of her/his/its OTHER characters/personalities did. Remember, he/she/it has characters that he/she/it plays, just like in a play. He/she/it is an actor/actressremember? ROFL
Such a liar she/he/it is.
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Actually, on this one, she/he/it is correcthe/she/it DIDN'T say those things.
One or more of her/his/its OTHER characters/personalities did. Remember, he/she/it has characters that he/she/it plays, just like in a play. He/she/it is an actor/actressremember? ROFL
Such a liar she/he/it is.
LOL, this thing was passing itself off as "a strong woman with strong opinions that wouldn't back down" for the longest timecome to find out it's a guy all this time. That explains so much.
But it was quite funny to hear it denying all its socks while having conversations with them, patting them on the back, etc. And like you said, when cornered, saying "it's like characters in a play!"
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
This is the part that I just cannot fathom. As I've said, I've had three accounts, one right after the other, never more than one at a time, and all of my friends always knew exactly who I was. I've never reported posts. I just want to make sure that in these final days of the board, everyone who has been hoodwinked by this self-loathing homophobic homosexual troll will get the satisfaction in understanding what we all figured out years ago on the BBM board. That tomtrueman is a self-loathing miscreant who stirs up trouble and then creates multiple accounts to come in and kiss his ass.
tomtruman, aka tammy, aka Lucinda, aka notsteve, aka many many more
tomtruman, aka tammy, aka Lucinda, aka notsteve, aka many many more
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
When did I ever do that? I thought you were smarter than that, Beck.
But it was quite funny to hear it denying all its socks while having conversations with them, patting them on the back, etc.
When did I ever deny my "socks"? Haven't I explained a dozen times that when bullies get one deleted, I've got another ready to go? Haven't I explained the evolution of my names on here? How did you miss all that?
Erica has had several different names, which she makes excuses for because she thinks it's "fun". MURP changed his too, as I recall. Tgdoignis has been Clancypants, Guy Madison, Fag Hunter (disgraceful homophobia) among others, so he's in no position to talk.
And how are you delusional fools managing to convince yourselves that I've been "having conversations with them, patting them on the back, etc." When did I ever do that? One name ended when the other began.
I believe there was once, when an old name was still up, I referred to it in third person, because it was another name, not the one I was then using. (Are you people still unable to grasp the concept of different characters in a play? So they were all written by the same playwright but does that make them all the same character?)
It's just incredible how fixated you idiots are about identity, when we're ALL using fake names here! Why does it MATTER to anyone what my gender is?? I sure don't care about YOURS.
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
People care about whether you are honest with them.
You never learned this from your parents, who, iirc, farmed you out to various foster homes as you were growing up, causing your developmental delays.
This is why you always got a fail mark for "works well with others."
You never learned this from your parents, who, iirc, farmed you out to various foster homes as you were growing up, causing your developmental delays.
This is why you always got a fail mark for "works well with others."
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
"And how are you delusional fools managing to convince yourselves that I've been "having conversations with them, patting them on the back, etc." When did I ever do that? One name ended when the other began."
The Argo board. I called you out on it. You were BTT and having a conversation with JeanKennedy. Again, I CALLED YOU OUT ON IT when you did it. I even came here to the board to announce it, and you blasted me for "tattling" (LMAOyour old lady lingo cracks me up) and asked me if it made me feel better.
Yes, it did. And it still does. I love when liars are exposed, which is why I am LOVING what you're getting on this board. It's been a long time coming, and is very well deserved.
The Argo board. I called you out on it. You were BTT and having a conversation with JeanKennedy. Again, I CALLED YOU OUT ON IT when you did it. I even came here to the board to announce it, and you blasted me for "tattling" (LMAOyour old lady lingo cracks me up) and asked me if it made me feel better.
Yes, it did. And it still does. I love when liars are exposed, which is why I am LOVING what you're getting on this board. It's been a long time coming, and is very well deserved.
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Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Yes, it did [make me feel better]. And it still does.
Which just makes you a hateful bitch, of course. But I already knew that about you.
And tommy is the one who posts that he wants certain specific people to die very slow and painful deaths.
Ape sh!t hypocrite.
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Dang, I missed getting to see what he/she/it replied. I'm sure it was another delusional lie. Oh well
"And tommy is the one who posts that he wants certain specific people to die very slow and painful deaths.
Ape sh!t hypocrite."
Yep, he/she/it has posted that repeatedly, and also wished starvation/loss of job/death on the IMDB admins (who appear to be doing a fantastic job, by the waysince his/her/its freakish rants keep getting deleted). LOL
"And tommy is the one who posts that he wants certain specific people to die very slow and painful deaths.
Ape sh!t hypocrite."
Yep, he/she/it has posted that repeatedly, and also wished starvation/loss of job/death on the IMDB admins (who appear to be doing a fantastic job, by the waysince his/her/its freakish rants keep getting deleted). LOL
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Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
When did I ever do that?
Oh, cupcake, you did it plenty right on this very board, especially around the BTT/JeanKennedy/LivesInGrace period of your pathetic schizophrenia and gender confusion. But I guess that's the benefit of having all your posts deleted because of all your tantrums, the evidence gets wiped. You kept frothing at the mouth insisting BTT/JeanKennedy WEREN'T the same person even though it was more than clear that you werethen you launched into this hilarious "playwrite" mode when exposed.
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Yeah, it's sure too bad for you that my messages keep magically disappearing, because any chance you might have had for proof went down the drain a long time ago. Too bad about that.
But I guess that's the benefit of having all your posts deleted because of all your tantrums, the evidence gets wiped.
What you people are too dimwitted to grasp is that I'm very careful NOT to lie. I word things in a such a way that gullible fools jump to the wrong conclusions (not my fault), like I just KNOW they will.
And because they realize later that they were mistaken, they desperately claim that I must have LIED to them, in order to save face. That wasn't necessary.
If you still haven't managed to figure it out yet, BTT, JK and LIG are all characters written by the same author me. But are they all the same person? NO, they aren't. Are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth the same person, just because Shakespeare wrote both of them? No, they aren't. (He was the "playwrite", as you call him also called "playwright" by those with more education.)
Honestly, some of you clods are just so slow
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
What you people are too dimwitted to grasp is that I'm very careful NOT to lie. I word things in a such a way that gullible fools jump to the wrong conclusions (not my fault), like I just KNOW they will.
And because they realize later that they were mistaken, they desperately claim that I must have LIED to them, in order to save face. That wasn't necessary.
So you're BOTH a man AND a woman? You mean everyone jumped to the wrong conclusion when you came right out and said you were a "strong woman?"
If you still haven't managed to figure it out yet, BTT, JK and LIG are all characters written by the same author me. But are they all the same person?
Well they all argue with the same complete lack of logic, the temper tantrums, the name calling, etcand that's how you got caught, remember?
But let's play along with your hilarious delusionswhich one of those characters should we believe? Which one is spewing the words of wisdom that everyone should just never question because that character is the smartest person he/she/it has ever met? The ones that says he/she/it is a woman, or the ones that say he/she/it is a man? Or are you now denying the "man" characters??
By all means, keep explaining your alternate reality, Baby Jane, it's the best comedy we've all read in a while!!
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
You STILL don't get it?? (Amusing but over-use of laughing faces there, BTW. Excess is not always effective.)
Was Shakespeare both a man and a woman? He wrote words for both genders, you know. In fact, virtually every PLAYWRIGHT does, aside from those who write for the radical feminist theatre, where they try to pretend men don't exist at all.
I've come to realize, from years on boards like this, that when someone doesn't have an intelligent rebuttal for something I say, they usually resort to just pretending they thought it was funny, rather than compose an intelligent or thoughtful reply. (Just so you know.)
Was Shakespeare both a man and a woman? He wrote words for both genders, you know. In fact, virtually every PLAYWRIGHT does, aside from those who write for the radical feminist theatre, where they try to pretend men don't exist at all.
Sure, yuck it up, dimwit. But the logic and reason are there, whether you choose to see them or not. If they fly right over your head, that just tells us volumes about YOU.
By all means, keep explaining your alternate reality, Baby Jane, it's the best comedy we've all read in a while!!
I've come to realize, from years on boards like this, that when someone doesn't have an intelligent rebuttal for something I say, they usually resort to just pretending they thought it was funny, rather than compose an intelligent or thoughtful reply. (Just so you know.)
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Was Shakespeare both a man and a woman? He wrote words for both genders, you know. In fact, virtually every PLAYWRIGHT does, aside from those who write for the radical feminist theatre, where they try to pretend men don't exist at all.
While completely understandable that your huge and deluded ego would compare itself to Shakespeare, Shakespeare wrote fiction. So have all those self-appointed words of wisdom, along with all your sermons, tantrums, insults, etcof yours, been fiction, too?
If they fly right over your head, that just tells us volumes about YOU.
Trust me, gender-bending Sybil, everyone here gets it. You're deluded, that's not flying over anyone's head.
I've come to realize, from years on boards like this, that when someone doesn't have an intelligent rebuttal for something I say, they usually resort to just pretending they thought it was funny, rather than compose an intelligent or thoughtful reply. (Just so you know.)
What's to rebut if it's all just make-believe in your schizophrenic imagination? Unless you want to explain to us which of all your "characters" should be believed?
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Tammy Shakespeare.
It boggles the mind the way this fool's mind works.
It boggles the mind the way this fool's mind works.
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
He REALLY believes this stuff!!!
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Why does it MATTER to anyone what my gender is?? I sure don't care about YOURS.
It matters because you lied to make yourself seem like someone you are not. You made out to be a woman with strong opinions who had come up against sexism, you made out to be a woman and then identified with several women (myself included) as someone who had experienced the sexism that women live with every day. When in reality you are a man who has never had the experience that you claimed to have experienced. And then you dare to lecture people on sexual politics, honesty and truth when you have been lying for years. You said that you were a woman MANY TIMES when you are a man. You are dishonest and a liar.
I take this particularly hard as I am someone who actually liked you and defended you as a 'woman with strong opinions'. You took advantage of me and others like me through your lies. And you are no playwright, take it from someone who actually writes plays.
Erica is honest, likeable and fiercely intelligent. I say this as someone who has argued with her REPEATEDLY. She is a wonderful poster and the board would have been half what it is without her.
We may all be using fake names but, for most of us, they reflect who we are in real life. I know mine does - I pride myself on being ladylike, I adore literature and writing and I love Lord of the rings (Lothlorien). But you, you presented yourself as something you were not, a woman.
To you, Baldrick, the Renaissance was just something that happened to other people, wasn't it?
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
We may all be using fake names but, for most of us, they reflect who we are in real life. I know mine does - I pride myself on being ladylike, I adore literature and writing and I love Lord of the rings (Lothlorien).
Thank you Lady! You just gave me an excellent idea for a positive thread. It has to do with names.
"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night"
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
I appreciate your attempt to explain yourself, LLoL. I can tell you're not an American, because you actually put some thought into a reply, instead of just ganging up with other cretins and squealing like a choir of stuck pigs. But there's lots there I take issue with.
Do you think that I haven't experienced sexism?? I put up with it every day, in ways that are much worse that YOU have ever had to deal with. Believe me, gay men put up with far more abuse than any woman ever does. Do women routinely get beaten to death simply because they're women? Gay men still do all the time. And pathetically people try to justify it by claiming that "Oh, he probably just came on to the wrong guy. I'd probably do the same thing." (Usually said by some ugly potbellied slob who is just lucky women have lower standards.)
I'm sure nobody bothers to read Tgdoignis's scatological excretions, but all that schitt about me wearing lipstick and dresses and doing drag is just typical. I am a MAN who likes real mean not some silly drag queen. He's just a homophobic ass hole with a sick and vicious agenda.
As I've already explained above, it wasn't necessary to "lie". I merely worded things in such a way that people would conclude on their own that I was a woman. NEVER did I say, "I really am a woman." I wouldn't need to. You just drew an incorrect conclusion, but I never lied about it.
It matters because you lied to make yourself seem like someone you are not.
When? Give me even just one quote where I EVER did that.
You said that you were a woman MANY TIMES
Wrong again. I made out to be a PERSON with strong opinions who had come up against sexism which I HAVE and you made the presumption that I was speaking as a woman. No, I wasn't.
You made out to be a woman with strong opinions who had come up against sexism, you made out to be a woman and then identified with several women (myself included) as someone who had experienced the sexism that women live with every day.
Do you think that I haven't experienced sexism?? I put up with it every day, in ways that are much worse that YOU have ever had to deal with. Believe me, gay men put up with far more abuse than any woman ever does. Do women routinely get beaten to death simply because they're women? Gay men still do all the time. And pathetically people try to justify it by claiming that "Oh, he probably just came on to the wrong guy. I'd probably do the same thing." (Usually said by some ugly potbellied slob who is just lucky women have lower standards.)
I'm sure nobody bothers to read Tgdoignis's scatological excretions, but all that schitt about me wearing lipstick and dresses and doing drag is just typical. I am a MAN who likes real mean not some silly drag queen. He's just a homophobic ass hole with a sick and vicious agenda.
And you did it solely because you thought I was a WOMAN?? "Sisterhood is powerful" and all that stuff, but why can't you see that PEOPLE are experiencing abuse and discrimination all the time and gay men much more than women? It's sad you limit your support to your own gender. You should be better than that.
I take this particularly hard as I am someone who actually liked you and defended you as a 'woman with strong opinions'.
I REPEAT: There were no lies. And HOW did I "take advantage" of you? What exactly did your "support" cost you? You should be championing HUMAN rights not just the narrow cause of women.
You took advantage of me and others like me through your lies.
I did no such thing. You may have assumed I was, but I never said so.
But you, you presented yourself as something you were not, a woman.
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
I appreciate your attempt to explain yourself, LLoL. I can tell you're not an American, because you actually put some thought into a reply, instead of just ganging up with other cretins and squealing like a choir of stuck pigs. But there's lots there I take issue with.
It matters because you lied to make yourself seem like someone you are not.
As I've already explained above, it wasn't necessary to "lie". I merely worded things in such a way that people would conclude on their own that I was a woman. NEVER did I say, "I really am a woman." I wouldn't need to. You just drew an incorrect conclusion, but I never lied about it.
You said that you were a woman MANY TIMES
When? Give me even just one quote where I EVER did that.
You made out to be a woman with strong opinions who had come up against sexism, you made out to be a woman and then identified with several women (myself included) as someone who had experienced the sexism that women live with every day.
Wrong again. I made out to be a PERSON with strong opinions who had come up against sexism which I HAVE and you made the presumption that I was speaking as a woman. No, I wasn't.
Do you think that I haven't experienced sexism?? I put up with it every day, in ways that are much worse that YOU have ever had to deal with. Believe me, gay men put up with far more abuse than any woman ever does. Do women routinely get beaten to death simply because they're women? Gay men still do all the time. And pathetically people try to justify it by claiming that "Oh, he probably just came on to the wrong guy. I'd probably do the same thing." (Usually said by some ugly potbellied slob who is just lucky women have lower standards.)
I'm sure nobody bothers to read Tgdoignis's scatological excretions, but all that schitt about me wearing lipstick and dresses and doing drag is just typical. I am a MAN who likes real mean not some silly drag queen. He's just a homophobic ass hole with a sick and vicious agenda.
I take this particularly hard as I am someone who actually liked you and defended you as a 'woman with strong opinions'.
And you did it solely because you thought I was a WOMAN?? "Sisterhood is powerful" and all that stuff, but why can't you see that PEOPLE are experiencing abuse and discrimination all the time and gay men much more than women? It's sad you limit your support to your own gender. You should be better than that.
You took advantage of me and others like me through your lies.
I REPEAT: There were no lies. And HOW did I "take advantage" of you? What exactly did your "support" cost you? You should be championing HUMAN rights not just the narrow cause of women.
But you, you presented yourself as something you were not, a woman.
I did no such thing. You may have assumed I was, but I never said so.
Sorry. I just had to make sure that this doesn't get lost. This is too much!
Can't you simply admit that you weren't honest?
"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night"
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Thanks for quoting all that, Margo. It's such a pain when I've spent time composing a long reply, only to have some idiot report it and it's gone even as the nonsense I'm replying to is always still there! (Like THAT'S fair!)
This way, my words will be preserved in your reply, even if some robot "administrator" blitzes my message.
This way, my words will be preserved in your reply, even if some robot "administrator" blitzes my message.
Why would I "admit" something that isn't true? Can't you simply admit that you and everybody else jumped to mistaken conclusions? It's too nice a day to waste it sitting at my computer. I really want to get out and go shopping..
Can't you simply admit that you weren't honest?
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Shopping for more bras and panties?
If the high heels fit, tammy.
If the high heels fit, tammy.
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
tommy will NEVER admit to the truth.
Self-loathing gay men are that way, you know.
Self-loathing gay men are that way, you know.
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Lucinda tammy, the self-loathing, homophobic, non-gay, woman
in drag, really a tommy man
It's enuf to give me a headache.
in drag, really a tommy man
It's enuf to give me a headache.
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Two in the pink, one in the stink!
Two in the pink, one in the stink!
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
You asked a pretty question; I've given you the ugly answer.
Fasten Your Seatbelts….
It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night!
You asked a pretty question; I've given you the ugly answer.
Fasten Your Seatbelts….
It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night!
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Ollie Fittis, nice to make your acquaintance, mum!
Two in the pink, one in the stink!
Two in the pink, one in the stink!
Re: To Tom…or who ever you are today…
Oh yeah…. I saw a picture of you and your Mummy. Cute.
Pleased to meet you!
I still have the sneaking suspicion we have met in another life…
No. Not Tom's life, or any of his various "lives".
I take it that you aren't proud of the Family Fittis.
I hate to break it to you, but I wouldn't exactly be too proud of BOOGERMCTAINT.
Still, when someone want's you, they can always cry,
You asked a pretty question; I've given you the ugly answer.
Fasten Your Seatbelts….
It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night!
Pleased to meet you!
I still have the sneaking suspicion we have met in another life…
No. Not Tom's life, or any of his various "lives".
I take it that you aren't proud of the Family Fittis.
I hate to break it to you, but I wouldn't exactly be too proud of BOOGERMCTAINT.
Still, when someone want's you, they can always cry,
You asked a pretty question; I've given you the ugly answer.
Fasten Your Seatbelts….
It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night!
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