Friday the 13th : A good example of critics nitpicking

A good example of critics nitpicking

All they do is contradict themselves. One said it lacked nudity, and then someone else would say it had too much sex. And then another would say that it felt too similar like the old films, and then another would say it it didn't have the charm of the old films. Same for the gore and violence. Dude, if that's really how you feel, instead of being so superficial, how about go in depth about what the film is actually doing wrong?

Re: A good example of critics nitpicking

You sound like my ex wife, always complaining over nothing!!!

Re: A good example of critics nitpicking

Well one critic having an opinion and another critic having the exact opposite opinion is not anyone contradicting himself. It's two critics having opposite opinions. I guess I don't really understand what your point is.

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"