The Lego Batman Movie : Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

I don't want to offend anyone but I would question the sanity of any adult that wants to see this film. Batman is arguably just for kids and lego definitely is.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Tell me how batman is just for kids?

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

It isn't but some people would say it is. I did say "arguably".

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Well, make the argument.

Batman has never been "just for kids". Well, maybe the Adam West version.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Um, they're completely wrong and they clearly haven't seen The Dark Knight, which I'd argue is not for kids.

For the record, I saw the Lego Movie in theaters completely alone when I was 21. Luckily, there was no one else in the theater but me.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

This proves that Batman is for adults and NOT children.

However Lego remains just for kids, so all I am saying is we have a schizophrenic movie here folks!

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

I'm twenty-two and as a massive Batman fan, I have every intention of seeing it. I don't need a kid with me to go see an animated film.

Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

I might see this if my friend wants to. I'm not really into Batman or Lego, but my friend and I like animation.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Your Dad and I are going and we're both adults.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

At 26, society considers me to be an 'Adult' I am unmarried, I do not have children And I plan on seeing this movie.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

I'm 2,026 and I'm going to see it.

It looks a lot more fun than those bloody Coliseum spectacles! And don't get me started on the animal abuse and the human abuse involving animals! (still has nightmares millennia later)

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

I see every animated movie by myself, so why stop here?

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

I will watch it when it is available to stream.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

So this is what our LEGO Users Group does as for fun and un-profit. If you look really closely at the top of the dark-orange building on the left, you can spot Batman chasing Man-Bat, which got a nice close-up on the local news. BTW, four of those buildings are over 6' tall (the grey one is 11.5' tall) and weigh a few hundred pounds, the one on the left has at least 90,000 pieces, and the Batman minifigs are part of what might be the largest collection of unique Batman-related minifigs in the world (by the end of the year I expect I'll be over 200).

But I do have to say, the kids love them. I can put a Batman minifig on any of those buildings, and that's all many of them ever notice.

For those with taste, you can also spot Batgirl chasing Harley Quinn on the short white building in the center, and the TMNT are climbing onto the roof of the mid-sized white building on the right.

And I'm totally going to watch TLBM on opening day.

You know what noone tells you about cooking with the Dark Side? The food is really good!

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Yes. I'm 31. I'm probably going to take my GF because we love TLM. However because I live in a Spanish speaking country, it's probably only gonna be showed dubbed and not with subtitles so sadly I'll have to wait until some good quality torrent is available.

"That was a courtesy flush. I'm not actually done yet"

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

You don't want to offend but you seriously would question someone's sanity? Umok.

I'm an adult, who throughly enjoyed The Lego Movie and my sister (also an adult) and myself are excited to see this as a sib date. So sans kids. We also happen to like Batman and enjoyed Nolan's trilogy which I would think is arguably NOT just for kids and arguably would NOT be appropriate for some kids. I guess adults seeing a Disney film or a Pixar film or a Dreamworks film without kids would have you question their sanity as well?

Legos are a building system. How does that mean they're just for kids? Have you seen some of the things adults have built with Legos?

And just so you know, being an adult means you can do whatever you want. If you want to color, then you color. If you want to play with Legos, then you play with Legos. If you want to see a movie about Batman then you see a movie about Batman. If you want to see a movie about Lego Batman, then you see it. Adults, or mature ones anyway, aren't concerned about other's opinions of them or what they choose to do with their time.

~ I keep my expectations low then I can be pleasantly surprised.~

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

You, OP, are fairly closed-minded.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Sorry. Posted in the wrong spot and now I can't delete it. Ugh.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

You, OP, are fairly closed-minded.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Batman is arguably just for kids and lego definitely is.

Is that why the live action batman films are rated PG-13? Batman is for everyone, not for kids or adults.

I would question the sanity of any adult that wants to see this film

No, don't bother questioning people's sanity just for deciding to watch the film as an adult. Bruh, fix yourself up.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

I'm 27 and I'm going with a friend who is 46, we love superhero movies and movies in general. Looks fun and I got two free tickets.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Im 24 and I am most likely going to see this by myself, there is nothing wrong with it.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!

Post deleted

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Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Are you more of a child if you go see this movie or if you need society's approval on everything you do?

Regardless of that it's 2017, no one cares if you go to see an all ages cartoon movie as a grown ass man anymore.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

I am in my mid twenties and I am planning on seeing it. It seems really funny and well done.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Well I definitely plan to see it alone, I have no children and see all movies alone. And I'm really looking forward to it.

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Im 41 and my wife is 39.
We plan on seeing this in the theatre without kids.
We may go with some friends who are also in their late 30s to early 40s.

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Eh, it looks funny enough. I'll go. At least I won't suffer in the theater as I would with almost every other movie out!

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Spiderman > Superman > Mortal Kombat > Fantastic 4 > Batman > Xmen

Marvel > DC

"Those whom do not know their horror cinema are bound to be victims of horror in life" -AgentJ9

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Just say

The Dark Knight Trilogy + The Lego Movie Franchise>Every Superhero Movie Related.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Haha. Thx for replying.

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

28 here. Love Batman. And *gasp* I still love Lego. (They're one of those toys that really can be appreciated by and fun for everyone, regardless of age, gender, etc.) I'll be seeing it first chance I get.

The Lego Movie was fantastic, and I'm a big fan of some of the people involved in this film, so I'm definitely excited. (Plus the fact that it sadly looks significantly better than the last few DC films is very amusing.)

No clue why you'd "question the sanity" of adults who would want to see this

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

The LEGO Movie is one of the funniest movies ever made, no matter how old you are.

Why should this be any different?

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

Well I managed to snag my 4 year old nephew as an excuse to go and see this film but we did have some adults there who did not have kids with them.

To make a great film you need three things - the script, the script and the script -Alfred Hitchcock

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

so batman is for kids and marvel isnt? LOLOLOL marvel is made for kids BITCH

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

so batman is for kids and marvel isnt? LOLOLOL marvel is made for kids BITCH

I am not sure who this is addressed to but do you really think to yourself I want to watch something really mature so I better put on a movie that features a man dressed in a rubber bat costume? Both Marvel and DC are normally aimed at family entertainment when it comes to films and teens or younger when it comes to comics. This film is aimed towards the slightly younger but is suitable for all the family with some of the references really aimed at adults.

To make a great film you need three things - the script, the script and the script -Alfred Hitchcock

Re: Is any adult going to see this unaccompanied by children?

C.S. Lewis said it best.

Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
