The Walking Dead : THE STATE OF THE BOARD (old copypasta i found on my hdd)

THE STATE OF THE BOARD (old copypasta i found on my hdd)

Through out the many years that THE WALKING DEAD BOARD has been online I have done extensive critiques and writings on a vast number of various nuanced thread topics touching terrain that trolls try to trash to tremendous ends yet never truly triumph. However, one thing is remains certain. THE WALKING DEAD BOARD is far from bored and is more alive than ever before.

There are many complaints about the state of the board, most are found in posts on other boards of imdb complaining about the users posting here, most of those complaints are unfounded and come from hack users who are absolutely wrong, they're obviously wrong because I dont agree with them, you're wrong if you don't agree with me, because this is how opinions work.

Lets take the character "Daz" for example. Back in season 1 he was considered by many to be the villain (or hero depending on who you ask) simply because the users during that season were still building the universe and the rules, but as the seasons progressed he has been shown to not be so bad after all. Not everyone agrees with him even 5 seasons later, but they understand his views on certain topics don't necesarially mean he cannot be agreed with or respected in other regards.

Then we have characters like yermom. Yermom started out as a sort of anti-hero and although he is still that today that is no fault of the writers. Part of what makes his character so good is that he doesn't have to change. The writers understood this and so rather than changing him for the sake of it, they decided to expand on his background to give him a little more depth. Politics, cigars, and college football are all things that people will instantly associate with him and this is purely by design of the writing staff. Kudos to them.

Pete is another staple that I think the board really got right. He's been pretty consistent as well, but he's more of a neutral character. He jumps from side to side depending on what it is and who it is that is involved in whatever is going on, but you can always count on him for the much needed comedy relief. It's good that this board doesnt take itself so seriously like other, lesser boards, such as GAME OF THRONES, and that it cant take the time to tell some jokes now and then.

But The board isn't perfect, I mean no board is. There is its fair share of disappointments. Characters like JRiddle and Spectre who have grown stagnant over the 5 seasons jump to the front of the list. Neither character has grown, learned from past mistakes, or developed into anything other than what they were 5 years ago. The same unrealistic dialogue and idiotic decisions made simply to provide shock value have gone cold. The writers should have killed them off seasons ago, but I don't think they have any other work, so we should all expect them to hang around for many more seasons to come.

I can't list everyone in this REVIEW of THE WALKING DEAD BOARD, but this is where you all come in. I leave it up to you, the characters of the board, to finish where this review left off.


"pls respond" - spectre
"nuh uh" - JRiddle