I Am Not Your Negro : Racist


If i wrote a movie i am your cracker i would be hung by my toes and belly slit with a dull spoon
But this is ok what *beep*

Re: Racist

Maybe you should write your movie and see what happens.

Re: Racist

Of course, don't you know? Blacks can't be racist only white can. When's the last time, if ever a Blackman has been charged with a HATE crime against a white man? Even though the black race committs more crimes against non blacks than any other race by percentage.

Re: Racist

But somehow bitching here anonymously like a crybaby makes it all better for you huh?

When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.

Re: Racist

Maybe he should go burn down his neighborhood and violently assault people for having the "wrong" color skin, like you OBLMers?

Re: Racist

What a weird comment about a documentary about a very popular and excellent writer. Watch the doc. Then have an opinion, not the other way around. If you want your views to be taken seriously that is.

Otherwise by all means keep writing whatever empty thoughts pop into your head.

Re: Racist

Maybe you should take your own advice.

Re: Racist

Mate..the title is "I am NOT your Negro". Where does "I AM your cracker" come into play here? You are a class-A moron of the highest order. Did you even bother to read the title? You can't make a comparison of your statement because it is "for" when the title of the film is "against" the subject.

Re: Racist

He's a Trump voter

Re: Racist

Because every Trump voter is a racist (rolls eyes)

Re: Racist

He's just a racist idiot trying to justify his bigotry.

Re: Racist

The title was too many words for his 2nd grade education, apparently.

Re: Racist

At least a 2nd grader doesn't try to count 72 genders

Re: Racist

You are fully entitled to write that movie without legal consequences. But just remember, other people are just as entitled to criticize you for it. You're not the only one entitled to freedom of speech.