This Is Us : Body Image Cycle

Body Image Cycle

I did not scroll past the first page so please forgive if this is a topic already covered.

I find it so interesting to watch how the twins each have extreme body image issues- Kate is morbidly obese and it totally dictates her life while Kevin has a perfect body but must fight against it to be taken seriously. Their adopted brother seems to have a healthy acceptance of his body. These facts lead me to the assumption that the body image issues are nature, but nurture, as they were all raised in the same home.

However, when we flashback to Kate as a child and we see the different breakfast she is served and the heart-breaking conversations she has with her mother it would appear to be nurture that causes Kate's issues. Finally, watching the scene with Rebecca and her own mother at the restaurant where she orders on behalf of her daughter I think it's easy to see where Rebecca's warped sense of nutrition and health stemmed from.

I really like the subtle way that they plant these little seeds to suggest the foundation of such things without being obnoxious about it. Thoughts?

PS Please don't let this become a diatribe about Chrissy Metz's size. Yes, she's a big girl. I'd rather discuss the more interesting aspects I've offered in my post.

Ziva, please. Kick.His.Ass.

Re: Body Image Cycle

Randall looked like he had a nice build in the last episode. It appears he lifts weights and certainly runs as we saw in an episode.

Re: Body Image Cycle

Yeah, I just loved the irony that she was encouraged to have the calories in wine but wasn't allowed them in a coke.

I am also wondering if there will later be some sort of connection between Milo's muscular body and his desire to protect his mom from his dad in the past.

Re: Body Image Cycle

Maybe I'm just way meaner than Mandy moore's character but if anyone ever tried to correct me on what I was ordering I'd get up and walk out. That was so rude! Kid is 12, okay, maybe you make them get water instead of a coke, but a grown woman?!! Oh no