Nocturnal Animals : Differences between book and movie

Differences between book and movie

I just finished reading the book and the abortion scene is not included in it. Personally, I feel like this is a huge factor in why Edward wants to get revenge on Susan. In the book, Susan just cheats on him. What do people feel about this added scene? I like the film better because of it.

Re: Differences between book and movie

I definitely think it was a brilliant move on Ford's part. Seeing Edward standing there, in the rain, all drenched and sad. It really hit home.

If it wasn't in the film I could see so many people coming on here and say 'so she left him, big deal!', but with the abortion and Hutton sitting in the car and Susan in his arms? F.

Re: Differences between book and movie

It's a pretty super cheap plot device I think. This just of goes to show the Ford still has a little bit of a curve to get around before he can get higher in the ranks of directors. Stylistically, he's carved out his name but narratively he's still got a wall to climb. This scene really made me cringe. When she was hugging the guy and speaking that really contrived dialogue I kept hoping Edward wouldn't be there because it's just too simplistic and boom, there he was. I honestly can't wait to see Fords third effort; I feel like it could really be a winner.

Re: Differences between book and movie

You really have no idea what kind of elitist you sound like, do you? Real douchy like.

While Ford has made a career, ere, several careers for himself. You just sit at home and make snide remarks. Tell everyone about humping your teacher.

Again, it was a great add to validate Edward's complete detestation for his ex and his obsessed vengeance which apparently took up the next 20 years of his life.

Ford read a decent story with an interesting device and he expanded on it for the big screen and did a damn good job!

Re: Differences between book and movie

Agree 100% - was unnecessary to the arc of the film which had been handled pretty subtly to that point.

Re: Differences between book and movie


You mean like that huge painting on the wall? The one Susan has to ask about?

Subtle? You must mean like the opening credits, right? Very subtle.

Subtle? You mean like how Sutton pretty much ignores everything Susan says in their morning conversation, smashing us over the head to where his head is at, not showing up for the show, not going to bed, blah blah blah. Oh yes, very subtle.

Subtle, like the conversation between Susan and her mother? Weak, strong, strong, weak, whatever.

Yes, the whole film was very subtle.


Re: Differences between book and movie

Dude, in all seriousness, I came up with a pretty lucid response and jumped straight into douchetown population you. It was a cheap plot device. I thought the movie was pretty good, why do I have to think like you?

Yours and my views are obviously different and I view film differently than you. That's pretty common. You gave Magnificent Seven an 8 and I thought it was a pile of crap that couldn't produce a worthwhile character to save its life. Guess what? My opinion is just as valid and invalid as yours. I bet your arm gets tired from jacking yourself off all day.

.also it was my boss, not my teacher

Re: Differences between book and movie

Agree with BensFiction.
Weak cliche. Wasn't necessary, IMO. I just feel like the woman always suffers more emotionally than the father of the fetus. Even if she chooses to have it. It was a maudlin scene, IMO.
Still a terrific film. Just a minor quibble.

Re: Differences between book and movie

Yeah, I felt like it was almost a producer breathing down Fords neck saying, "well, we have to show Edward react directlyI have an idealet's put it in the rain"