Rogue One: A Star Wars Story : Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

This is officially one of my most favorite Star Wars movies.

I pretty much loved EVERYTHING about it. The fan service especially was *beep* OFF THE CHARTS and a real treat for hardcore Star Wars nerds. Goddamn, we got the Whills, Kyber crystals, Doctor Evazan & Ponda Baba, Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, General Dodonna, Red Leader & Gold Leader, Chopper, The Ghost, the Hammerheads, shout-outs for Captain Antilles & General Syndulla, and aged Saw Gerrrera, Imperial probots, mouse droids, etc., etc., etc.

I mean, GODDAMN. The list goes on and on!

Not to mention Grand Moff Tarkin with more screentime than he had even when Peter Cushing was still alive ffs, Princess Leia in her prime, and HOLY HELL hands-down the most fearsomely badass Darth Vader onscreen to date. So BRUTAL!!!

And then there's the fact that the movie basically fixes two giant "flaws" from the original films, brilliantly and elegantly explaining both the critical weakness of the Death Star and the poor marksmanship of the Storm Troopers. Suddenly, this movie wasn't just simply expanding upon the original films but even IMPROVING them, too. Now THAT'S what I call REAL fan-service!

Likewise, the world-building was pretty impressive and well-conceived, even for a Star Wars film. Linking the power of the Death Star to the Kyber crystals mined from what's basically an ancient Jedi Temple homeworld named Jedha was yet another stroke of genius, and catching a few glimpses of what seem to be the Jedi equivalent of the Emperor's Imperial Guardsmen wandering around the temple city really drove home the point just as much as Saw's Vader-esque physical decrepitude. And OMFG Vader's castle on Mustafar was also as perfectly stark and intimidating as it needed to be, lol. The contrast of it being both his retreat in which he heals his tortured body within a bacta tank AND his own personal hell in which to wallow and therefore further his strength in the Dark Side of the Force was just ABSOLUTELY. ON. POINT. 100%.

On a similar note, the tone of the movie was also pitch perfect. Shady back alleys. Military occupation. Prisoner transports to mining colonies. The cold, blustery weather, of the opening and the "rescue" mission for Galen, the heavy rainfallthe galaxy really FELT like an awful, miserable place in dire need of hope to a degree we hadn't really seen onscreen before. I also really enjoyed seeing the somewhat sketchier side of the Rebellion alongside the oppressive occupation of the Empire. From Cassian's questionable wetworks assassination of a colleague and informant to Saw's extremist insurgent attacks and borderline torture, it all fit perfectly within the context of a less "family friendly" and more "desperate suicide mission" chapter in the ongoing battle against ultimate evil.

And that was something I liked about the movie the most.

Sure, there's a lot of attention to detail and fan service that will go RIGHT over the heads of the general audience Rogue One is WITHOUT A DOUBT a Star Wars movie catering to the superfans but even my friend's nine year old daughter who's only seen Ep. VII beforehand was still held rapt by the movie and its message of hope and sacrifice for the greater good in the face of overwhelming odds during even the darkest days.

As long as people can understand THAT there will ALWAYS be an audience for Star Wars.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

I also really liked RO 9/10. The people in my theater (myself included) started crying when we saw Leia on screen. Who was this Darth Vader? He was not the Anakin-Vader that we are familiar with right?

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

by aliyahrocks 35 minutes ago (Sat Dec 31 2016 20:13:44)
IMDb member since January 2013
I also really liked RO 9/10. The people in my theater (myself included) started crying when we saw Leia on screen. Who was this Darth Vader? He was not the Anakin-Vader that we are familiar with right?

Carrie Fisher hadn't died yet when I last saw the movie (ten times and counting!), but there were DEFINITELY tons of people clapping and cheering.

And, personally, I really enjoyed seeing the MERCILESS SLAUGHTERHOUSE VADER we'd always HEARD about without actually SEEING before, except for his brief run as Vader without the suit in Ep. III.

If you think about it, he really had no reason to go ape$#!t on Kenobi because he was old as hell and wanted the Millennium Falcon to lead them to the hidden Rebel base anyway. Really, he never actually had ANY reason to go all out in the entire Original Trilogy, so it doesn't bother me at all to see him DESTROY a bunch of redshirts leading up to that.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

TLDR. Here, I'll edit it down for you: "Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies! .. Is because I have juvenile, easily satisfied taste and think that pandering fan service equates to great story telling ZOMG IS THAT PONDA BABA??? AHHHFJSHRYGHSJ!!"

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

by wtflolsfml 5 hours ago (Sat Dec 31 2016 20:33:27)
IMDb member since May 2011
TLDR. Here, I'll edit it down for you: "Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies! .. Is because I have juvenile, easily satisfied taste and think that pandering fan service equates to great story telling ZOMG IS THAT PONDA BABA??? AHHHFJSHRYGHSJ!!"

Had your insufferably brief attention span allowed for such nuance, perhaps you'd have noticed my points beyond simple fan service as well as my comments regarding this film's exquisite storytelling.



Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

Had your insufferably brief attention span allowed for such nuance, perhaps you'd have noticed my points beyond simple fan service as well as my comments regarding this film's exquisite storytelling.

HAH Sorry, can't help but LOL at the suggestion your fanboy "review" is so layered and deep that it contains any trace of "nuance" whatsoever. Much like Gareth Edwards' ability to inject emotion into any of his characters, your appraisal of the movie is about as "nuanced" as being hit in the face with a sledgehammer. "Exquisite storytelling." Goddamn LOL seriously, "EXQUISITE." Unbelievable.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

by wtflolsfml 5 days ago (Sun Jan 1 2017 17:52:28)
IMDb member since May 2011
Had your insufferably brief attention span allowed for such nuance, perhaps you'd have noticed my points beyond simple fan service as well as my comments regarding this film's exquisite storytelling.

HAH Sorry, can't help but LOL at the suggestion your fanboy "review" is so layered and deep that it contains any trace of "nuance" whatsoever. Much like Gareth Edwards' ability to inject emotion into any of his characters, your appraisal of the movie is about as "nuanced" as being hit in the face with a sledgehammer. "Exquisite storytelling." Goddamn LOL seriously, "EXQUISITE." Unbelievable.

I was hardly trying to prop up my little review as a masterpiece of modern literature, ffs.

All I was trying to say was that dismissing the entire thing as a "fanboy review" equating fan service to great storytelling when you self-admittedly didn't even bother to read beyond my opening comments is as ridiculous as it is obnoxiously rude and misguided.

Had your apparent ADD allowed you finish reading a few short paragraphs before you jumped in like an uniformed jackass, you'd have noticed that although I did lead with points pertaining to the bevy of fan service moments, yes, I likewise continued along by noting that the film also deftly enhances its source material by "fixing" a couple "flaws" of the original film, brilliantly expands expands upon the heretofore unexplored territory of the SOURCE of the Death Star's unbelievable power and the origins of the Jedi, as well as also giving us a tantalizing glimpse into Vader's personal life.

I also praised the film's overall tone and cited examples bolstering that tone, in addition to making note of the intriguing concept of the Rebel Alliance's own guilt and dirty deeds and Saw's correlation to Vader as a crippled vet extremist resorting to unpleasant means towards a greater good, drawing parallels between the Rebels and the Empire, which are otherwise generally considered as polar opposites. So, yeah. "Nuance."

And, yes, "exquisite storytelling."

I greatly enjoyed the through-line of "hope" in the direct prequel to "A New Hope," for instance. And, again, the movie didn't even really HAVE to fix the problem of the Death Star's critical flaw from the original film in the course of telling the tale of how its plans were stolenbut it DID anyway and that was a stroke of genius on the part of the filmmakers.

Hell, there's plenty more I could detail here but you probably already TL;DR-ed this post and you're just a time-wasting troll anyway so w/e.

The point is that you're as wrong as you are foolish and transparent.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

So, yeah. "Nuance."

I personally liked the nuance of Baze Malbus' character the most. He was a very interesting character. The way he did the things that he did. Awesome.

Nah, you are indeed just a fanboy who gets excited at cheap visuals and gimmicks. You're probably like 15 or something. You aren't even discerning enough to realise when you're being pandered to. I bet you cheered in TFA at Han Solo's "Trash compacter" line, and you'll probably cream your pants when they inevitably do the Kessel Run in Han Solo's stand alone film. "I REMEMBER THAT REFERENCE, BECAUSE I AM SUCHHH A HUUUUGE STAR WARSSSSSS FANNNNN OMMGGGGGGGG!!!! AND THEY DID IT IN 12 PARSECS AHJFHEUGBSJAUFHG" Jesus. And because you and your army of braindead plebs will gobble up anything with a Star Wars label on it, now the rest of us have to put up with this kind of unnecessary, unoriginal, middling, fan-service, fanfic bull$hit, so thanks for that.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!


You must be great fun at parties, and even more so at fairs and conventions.

Thank the Force that the writers/techs/directors, etc. at Disney/LucasFilms don't make their major film-crafting decisions based on dyspeptic, buzz-killing posts like yours (and those of many other humorless, joyless, self-appointed experts).

Seriously, I feel sorry for youI'd be willing to bet you spend so much of your time criticizing things and people that you get very little enjoyment out of life.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - E. Burke

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

Seriously, I feel sorry for youI'd be willing to bet you spend so much of your time criticizing things and people that you get very little enjoyment out of life.

Making assumptions about complete strangers on the internet in a forum for movie discussions, and I'M the one with no life? lol Good one.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

by wtflolsfml Sat Jan 7 2017 17:56:51
IMDb member since May 2011

Making assumptions about complete strangers on the internet in a forum for movie discussions, and I'M the one with no life? lol Good one.

by wtflolsfml 31 minutes ago (Sun Jan 15 2017 21:58:51)
IMDb member since May 2011
Lol you must be trolling. Even stupid people don't have taste as bad as yours.

STFU and GTFO, hypocrite.



Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

No hypocrisy here. Stating that you're stupid isn't an assumption, darling

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

So you're doubling down on your blatantly hypocritical jackassery then?

Really smart move there, lol.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

lol You're a fool. No wonder you like this movie. Have fun wallowing in your banal mediocrity.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

by tobian85 Sat Jan 7 2017 17:43:08
IMDb member since February 2010


You must be great fun at parties, and even more so at fairs and conventions.

Thank the Force that the writers/techs/directors, etc. at Disney/LucasFilms don't make their major film-crafting decisions based on dyspeptic, buzz-killing posts like yours (and those of many other humorless, joyless, self-appointed experts).

Seriously, I feel sorry for youI'd be willing to bet you spend so much of your time criticizing things and people that you get very little enjoyment out of life.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - E. Burke


So goddamned annoyingly insufferable.


Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

personally liked the nuance of Baze Malbus' character the most. He was a very interesting character. The way he did the things that he did. Awesome.

Nah, you are indeed just a fanboy who gets excited at cheap visuals and gimmicks. You're probably like 15 or something. You aren't even discerning enough to realise when you're being pandered to. I bet you cheered in TFA at Han Solo's "Trash compacter" line, and you'll probably cream your pants when they inevitably do the Kessel Run in Han Solo's stand alone film. "I REMEMBER THAT REFERENCE, BECAUSE I AM SUCHHH A HUUUUGE STAR WARSSSSSS FANNNNN OMMGGGGGGGG!!!! AND THEY DID IT IN 12 PARSECS AHJFHEUGBSJAUFHG" Jesus. And because you and your army of braindead plebs will gobble up anything with a Star Wars label on it, now the rest of us have to put up with this kind of unnecessary, unoriginal, middling, fan-service, fanfic bull$hit, so thanks for that.

I like this person. Stay strong my friend and continue to be a friend to the truth. *beep* these fanboys.

Post deleted

This message has been deleted.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

Stop using God's name as a cussword.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

10 timesthat warms my heart reminding me when I was young and went to the 1976 King Kong seven timesit's great to be a super fan. Don't listen to the trollsloved your post OP it was a good movie and I like your enthusiasm.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

by aac7294 1 day ago (Sat Dec 31 2016 21:21:06)
IMDb member since June 2003
10 timesthat warms my heart reminding me when I was young and went to the 1976 King Kong seven timesit's great to be a super fan. Don't listen to the trollsloved your post OP it was a good movie and I like your enthusiasm.

Thanks, much appreciated!

I guess when I like things I just tend to REALLLLY like them, lol. I've seen every Star Wars movie in theaters several, several times so far and don't see any reason to cut back yet! MOAR, PLZ.

And the original King Kong and Peter Jackson's remake are my two favorite King Kong movies but I finally caught up and watched the 1976 version too so I fully appreciate that one, too. Hard not to enjoy Jessica Lange in her prime, right?



Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

11 hours ago (Sat Dec 31 2016 21:02:56)
IMDb member since November 2014

Stop using God's name as a cussword.


Aren't you supposed to not even type the word "God" if you feel so strongly about it?

And OMFG @ "cussword," lololol.


Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

Stop using God's name as a cussword.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

by stanleyhetz 1 day ago (Sun Jan 22 2017 04:33:40)
IMDb member since September 2001

Stop using God's name as a cussword.



Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

3 days ago (Sun Jan 22 2017 04:33:40)
IMDb member since September 2001

Stop using God's name as a cussword.

Hahaha, I finally got to see that link, lol.



Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

I couldn't agree more. Some people will never be satisfied. Doesn't mean the rest of us can't appreciate a good thing!

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

by thenmadewild Sun Jan 1 2017 11:40:06
IMDb member since September 2014

I couldn't agree more. Some people will never be satisfied. Doesn't mean the rest of us can't appreciate a good thing!

You're goddamned right!

Rogue One is a GREAT movie. I've basically been waiting my ENTIRE life for THIS movie and for Ep. VII+ and I sincerely thought I'd never get EITHER. Or I'd at least have to wait until after George Lucas died and hope I outlived him.


\m/ -____- \m/

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!


Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

Agreed. It was very good. RO was defiantly the best SW film since Empire Strikes Back, no question about it.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

i thought the fan service was insulting.


Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

6 days ago (Sat Jan 7 2017 13:05:50)
IMDb member since September 2015

i thought the fan service was insulting.

How so?

It's fan service and used wholly appropriately.

The only way to make it "insulting" is to get the details wrong or to squeeze it in where it shouldn't be, neither of which were the case in this film.

I four the fan service in Rogue One to be dead-on, immersive, and very enjoyably conceived and executed. No complaints here!

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

Hazekiah, I really appreciate your unbridled enthusiasm for this film. I thought what you said in your assessment was spot on. Others who are criticizing this movie seem to tend to be a Siskel or Ebert of their own and go in the theater with a critical lens. I enter every movie with the intention of being entertained, allowing myself an open minded opportunity to enjoy myself at the cinema. I loved this movie and its place in the Star Wars universe. Thanks for your take on it!

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

I LOVED it, and especially the last Vader moments.

But I have a question, because I missed it and I can't go see it again and don't want to wait until the BD

What was it that explaned

the poor marksmanship of the Storm Troopers.

You have been watching the Loki trilogy (of sorts) Empire magazine.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

I'd just like to clarify really quick, it's SUPER difficult to reply so it's a ONE-AT-A-TIME affair for now but I'll get to everyone eventually, I promise! Thanks, all.


by esmereldet 2 days ago (Sat Jan 7 2017 13:29:35)
IMDb member since January 2006
I LOVED it, and especially the last Vader moments.

But I have a question, because I missed it and I can't go see it again and don't want to wait until the BD

"the poor marksmanship of the Storm Troopers."

What was it that explaned
the poor marksmanship of the Storm Troopers.?

Good to know you enjoyed it, cheers!

What I was referring to there was the general idea of the Storm Troopers ALWAYS missing their most important targets vs., well

Remember Chirrut, the "Guardian of the Whills," who "isn't a Jedi" and when he was praying to the Force as he marched into the kill-zone of dozens of Storm Troopers yet remained COMPLETELY unfazed by their so-called "precise" blaster shots? They couldn't have hit him to save their lives. So much for "precision," right?

That's what I'm talking about.

It was the will of the Force which detracted from the aim of the Storm Troopers any time they aimed at OUR HEROES throughout the Original Trilogy. Just like it saved Chirrut's life until HE did what HE needed to do, it likewise saved THEIR lives until THEY did what THEY needed to do to help restore balance to the Force.

Rogue One essentially justified the lack of "plot armor" for the Death Star the same way it justified the poor marksmanship of the Storm Troopers.


Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

Yes OPI agree with everything and Im and old star wars fanI was a kid when the first three movies was released that is called 4,5,6 in the order today and I also really loved Rogue onea really good and well made star wars movie for both older and younger fans of the franschise but I do think that we oldies like it better cause this is more like the old school star wars movie we grew up with and I really hope we get to see more of Gareth Edwards and that he will direct more star wars movie, he did a marvelous job and Rogue One is so much better than the star wars abomination called Force Awekens.

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

Rogue One is tied for first along with A New Hope for the greatest Star Wars film! Wouldn't it be spectacular if Rogue One was spliced together with the original theatrical version of A New Hope in 4K?

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

"I last saw the movie (ten times and counting!), but there were DEFINITELY tons of people clapping and cheering."

This is why we can't have good star wars spinoffs. Because fanboys will pay to see any star wars movie 10 times and the studios know it.

Also WTF is up with clapping for a movie? It isn't a play no one who made it can hear you!

Do you people not understand why clapping is a thing?

Have you never seen a play?


Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

by emielyy 23 hours ago (Sat Jan 14 2017 19:42:30)
IMDb member since January 2017
Post Edited: Sat Jan 14 2017 19:46:14

"I last saw the movie (ten times and counting!), but there were DEFINITELY tons of people clapping and cheering."

This is why we can't have good star wars spinoffs. Because fanboys will pay to see any star wars movie 10 times and the studios know it.

Also WTF is up with clapping for a movie? It isn't a play no one who made it can hear you!

Do you people not understand why clapping is a thing?

Have you never seen a play?


I enjoy the movie immensely so I come back to it on the big screen in 3D and 7.1 while I'm able because I won't be able to for too much longer. Sorry that chafes you so hard but if you don't like it then bother someone else about it because I honestly don't care wtf you think.

This was an excellent spinoff and I'm glad to have supported it as much as I have. About a billion dollars worth of ticket sales and generally very positive word of mouth agree with me. People who've seen it as much as I have are statistical outliers, not the norm. In general, Disney probably expects most people to MAYBE see it twice, but most probably only once. Calm down.

As for clapping and cheering at movies, it's not always about rewarding "the players on the stage" or the writers and producers who made it. It doesn't matter if THEY can hear us as long as WE CAN HEAR US. It's oftentimes a sign of excitement and solidarity shared by fellow theatergoers and movies are no exception. I sometimes liken it to watching a big storm come in from a hilltop. When you see EVERYONE in your entire field of vision reeling from the same gust of wind, it's hard not to appreciate that "WOW, THIS IS A BIG DEAL" moment and how everyone there is experiencing the same emotion.

Plus, I'm also a big fan of loud rock concerts and watching a movie with an excited crowd on opening night is about as close to watching a movie from a mosh pit as you can get, lol.

If something is funny, you laugh. It isn't about rewarding the person who told you the joke, it's a knee-jerk reaction to humor and you do it to acknowledge to YOURSELF, even as a group, that you've enjoyed it.

Same goes for any other emotion.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

"As for clapping and cheering at movies, it's not always about rewarding "the players on the stage" or the writers and producers who made it. It doesn't matter if THEY can hear us as long as WE CAN HEAR US. It's oftentimes a sign of excitement and solidarity shared by fellow theatergoers and movies are no exception."

Understand that everyone with an IQ above 90 came to see and HEAR the movie, not a bunch of monkeys whoops and hollers.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

When something like 90% of the theater is doing it at an opening night show I think it's fine, but I'd agree that it goes too far when it crowds out the dialogue immediately afterward.

Same goes for rock shows and mosh pits. It's cool when everyone's singing along and cheering but if you can't even hear the performer it's obviously gone too far.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

You SURE about that?

Oh, look what just popped-up in my newsfeed

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

Agree! I love the movie. I think is much better than Ep VII (wasted opportunity for me) (saw the original trilogy at cinemas and this is the best since then) Regards and respect from Argentina.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

by u-yes-u 6 hours ago (Sun Jan 15 2017 08:56:08)
IMDb member since May 2007
A friend dragged me to see this movie tonight and I'm glad we went. Best Star Wars movie since Jedi IMO.

Good of them to drag you along and good to know you had such a great time!

Why so reluctant at first, though?


by vikingo 17 hours ago (Sat Jan 14 2017 21:46:05)
IMDb member since March 1999
Agree! I love the movie. I think is much better than Ep VII (wasted opportunity for me) (saw the original trilogy at cinemas and this is the best since then) Regards and respect from Argentina.

And HELLO from the U.S., my Argentinian Viking friend!

Nice to hear back from afar, glad to hear you loved the movie so well. I think we disagree about Ep. VII a bit (I loved it!) but a great big world and there's plenty of Star Wars for everyone to pick and choose from at this point.

I've seen every Star Wars movie in theaters too and have always enjoyed the experience and gone back for more as many times as possible, especially the most recent two installments. As far as I'm concerned, Ep. VII and R1 are both the best Star Wars movies since the Original Trilogy! If you catch me on the right day I could even be tempted to say R1 gives Ep. V a run for its money, so I really can't praise enough what Disney's managed to accomplish here.

Really excited to see what the next several years will bring fans of the franchise!


Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

A friend dragged me to see this movie tonight and I'm glad we went. Best Star Wars movie since Jedi IMO.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

I'm right there with ya, brother.

For me it was a perfect spin-off movie. Perfect in the same way things like Dark Forces and Rogue Squadron and other things have been in the past. Real Star Wars, but with a different feel and twist. Something that makes the original movies even more enjoyable. And I got exactly what I wanted.

The movie was actually much better than I expected and hoped for. And I was very positive to begin with. If you had removed the space battle and the Darth Vader ending scene, you pretty much had the movie I expected. But those things made a great movie into an amazing, amazing experience.

Forget silly nerd-rage things like "fan service". Those words mean nothing. It's like critisizing a band for playing a popular hit song. It's all about whether they made a good Star Wars movie or not, and they most certainly did.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

fan service does not make for a good film.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

by CrbCrtx 1 day ago (Sat Jan 21 2017 22:23:38)
IMDb member since July 2005

fan service does not make for a good film.

No one in this thread ever suggested it did.

Let me guess

You read a few sentences before "walking out" yet assumed your opinion of my entire post was somehow still relevant and worth sharing?


Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!


Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

Rogue one is the real prequel. It was the first Star Wars film outside of the Original Trilogy that actually served to enhance it for once and didn't take anything away from it.

How you can make the world a better place:
Don't shop at Wal-Mart.

Re: Why R1 is One of My FAVORITE Star Wars Movies!

I mean, I like the Prequel Trilogy for what it is and everythingbut I don't really feel the need to tear them down to elevate THIS movie.

Honestly, the fact that Rogue One can go toe-to-toe with the ORIGINAL trilogy is enough for me!
