It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia : Favourite season?

Favourite season?

So many good ones but I would have to choose season 5.

It seems like the one when they switched from being selfish, arrogant A holes to full blown psychopaths.

And has some of the greatest philly eps ever:
Solves the mortage crisis
Hits the road
World series defense
DENNIS system
Reignites the rivalry

Whats yours and why?

Re: Favourite season?

Season 5. Easy.

Re: Favourite season?


Re: Favourite season?

Season 7 is my favorite. It does have the worst episode of the series in it but the rest of the season is consistently hilarious. You have the uniqueness of mac gaining 50 lbs for no reason but comedy. The gang gets trapped is one of my favorites all time. Franks pretty women, gang goes to jersey shore, franks little beauties, dee gets audited, storm of the century, chardee mcdennis, anti social network, mac got fat, thunder gun express, and the high school reunion. It's all classic. " This is dark. Darkest thing we've ever done."

Re: Favourite season?

That is a great season. Maybe a close second for me.

What do you think the worst episode ever is?

Re: Favourite season?

I'm guessing they think its Frank's Brother which i dont love either

Re: Favourite season?

Yea franks brother just didn't work for some reason. The idea was funny enough but the episode was awful

Re: Favourite season?

yeah I agree. also i didnt really like the actor who played Frank's brother. Rest of season 7 is amazing though!

Re: Favourite season?

I liked Franks brother. Thought you were going to say Chardee McDennis which I like too. Damn, this is a funny show!

Re: Favourite season?

Season 3

Re: Favourite season?

Season 4 imo

Re: Favourite season?

Season 3. Season 5 and 2 are the second bests. 3 is the clear number one though.

Re: Favourite season?

Five for me too. I don't love Wrestles for the Troops and I'm fairly lukewarm about Mac and Charlie Write a Movie but other than that it's all of a very high standard and Kitten Mittens-Mac and Dennis Break Up-The DENNIS System is the best 3 episode run of the series.

S3 is the next best. S7 is one of the worst seasons easily imo.

Re: Favourite season?

Have to go with 5.

Re: Favourite season?

season 2 for me many great episodes no bad ones and imo it has the best episode in the series in mac bangs dennis mom

Re: Favourite season?

Season 5 is the only correct answer

Pretty much every episode is an absolute classic

Re: Favourite season?

Season 3, no question about it. So many classic episodes.

Also, think of most shows: They usually hit their absolute high in season 3.
The Simpsons, Scrubs, Seinfeld, Curb your Enthusiasm