Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice : The MCU has reached a level of quality that just can't be matched
Re: The MCU has reached a level of quality that just can't be matched
A level of heroes fighting each other all the time because all their villains are crap. It renders the idea of superheroes pointless.
Re: The MCU has reached a level of quality that just can't be matched
There are worse things a villain can be than forgettable.
As Jessie Eisenberg aptly demonstrated.
As Jessie Eisenberg aptly demonstrated.
Re: The MCU has reached a level of quality that just can't be matched
A level of heroes fighting each other all the time because all their villains are crap. It renders the idea of superheroes pointless.
Oh do you mean instead of like the amazing villains in the DCEU like errrm *Insert sound of crickets chirping*
Good villains seem to be an issue that is plaguing all modern CBM it would seem, and most certainly the area which the MCU could do with improving on, they still have Loki which is a much better character than anything the DCEU has to offer so far and lets remember the characters in SS are all meant to be villains but every last one of them were crap. The thing that MCU has not done though is totally ruin classic villains like the DCEU has.
For quality if you judge by the critics positive reception of the movies then the MCU is untouchable by any franchise not just DC, 14 fresh rated movies in a row is a massive achievement. Now if you come down to individual movies then I would say that the MCU has been on very shaky grounds once or twice.
To make a great film you need three things - the script, the script and the script -Alfred Hitchcock
Re: The MCU has reached a level of quality that just can't be matched
DC heroes fight each other quite often too. Read a Justice League comic.
The MCU has reached a level of quality that just can't be matched