19 Kids and Counting : The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

Lets do some maths

If each Duggar child were to follow suit and have 19 children each, that would be 361 members of the Duggar clan. If each of those 19 grandchildren of Bob and Michelle have 19 of their own, that would be 6,859 people by the 4th generation. The population of a small town. ( Do correct me if I went wrong somewhere =D )

Factor in the consumption of food, gas etc. and the production of waste products that is a pretty large footprint. Not to mention the numbers of semi-literate people coming out of that 'clan' (most of them won't be becoming doctors, teachers, scientists or engineers given the 'education' they receive).

I can't believe no one in that community has had this thought. How can Bob and Michelle truly love and value each and every child and grandchild given the sheer number of them? How can they not realise the gigantic strain on resources they cause? How can they not realise that by not really giving their kids a proper education, their community won't be producing the doctors, scientists and engineers that are actually vital to their existence ? (Their community effectively leaches off the intellect of the rest of the world's advancement. They choose to believe in superstition over science).

Final point. 100 years ago, before medicine had advanced enough to offer vaccinations, drug treatments, safe childbirth and care for premature babies most women having 19 children would have only seen a handful survive. That is why it was possible for the world to cope with many births as many did not result in living adults. What doesn't make sense is that after years of advancement, 2 very foolish people are popping out humans like tic tacs, humans that will go on to crap all over our world. quite literally.

Re: The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

My brother likes to point this out every time this family comes up during conversation (including that there would come a time where a non-Duggar could look in any given direction and there would be a Duggar within 100 feet).
If every family member decides to follow Jim Bob and Michelle's lead and raise 19 kids per family, they will have 361 grandchildren, 6,859 great grandchildren, 130,321 great-great grandchildren, 2,476,099 great-great-great grandchildren, and 47,045,881 great-great-great-great grandchildren.
To put that in perspective the population of the state of California is 38.8 million people.

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that."

Re: The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

I read somewhere that these fundy families have so many kids so they can affect the political outcomes which sorta happened this last election. Talk about exponential growth - you have these large fundamentalist blocks of people voting for ultra right wing issues and candidates.we will be living in a Nazi-like country in the next 50 years or so.

Re: The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

You're right. It's quite scary really. I'm sure the Duggars went out in their masses and voted for Trump.

Re: The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

How do you think no one n the community has thought this? Has been discussed plenty.

The reality is none of them will have that many. The longer they wait yo marry, the less kids they will have.

If josh and Anna have more. They will be 29 if they have baby five soon. They have babies two years apart. If she has kids as old as 43 she can have eight more, which would be 12 if no twins.

Jana and John are almost 27 and single. Every year they remain, less kids likely. If Jana married next year she would be 29 likely when she had her first even if quick to get pregnant. So max would be about eight kids.

Jill even if she got pregnant soon, Israel will be 2 when the baby is born. Going on such age difference, she could have baby nine at 42.

So looking at 21-37 compared to 76 kids, with those four alone.

Then there are some kids who may not wed or be able to have kids or a lot of. As the parents age, the rules will likely lighten and I wouldn't be surprised if the younger kids lived very different lives. Not totally modern, but not so fundie.

Re: The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

Oh trust me, it's literally about quantity. A numbers game.

Raising an 'Army for Jesus' is what they preach, and they definitely have long-term plans as their reasons for doing it.

If they can get most of their kids to follow their same path and procreate like them and brainwash those kids in the same way, that means in just a couple of short generations they can heavily influence politics and policies in their own favor.

It really is a very selfish thing to do, all for ones own agenda.

Riddle wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside a taco.

Re: The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

They probably want to do that for their own reasons, I agree. In part perhaps due to an article I remember reading in Time or Newsweek back in the 1990s, where they tried to predict what 'Future Man' would look like in a century or two (roughly in 2095 or 2195, lol) and it was this multi-racial, gender indeterminate human face. Then the article went on to say how in a century or less the world would be more multiracial, multicultural, interfaith, etc. than it currently was, and that it was coming in only a few generationsincluding the one being born then. (ie Millennialsmany of who'd fit that category.)

Articles like that no doubt scared the crap out of people like the Duggars, their church/pastor, and people like Donald Trumpso thus stuff like the 'Quiverfull' movement was born, or increased, etc.,.and we ended up with Donald Trump as President Elect in 2016, and some of his fans even more radical than ever. smh.

Re: The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

maths isn't a word.

Re: The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

maths is indeed the word in the uk and australia. they have maths class, not math.

'There's just a possibility that I will kiss a doorknob.'
Just call me Sleight

Re: The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

I am from the UK where we say 'maths' instead of 'math'

Re: The exponential growth of the Duggar clan. Lets do some maths.

Good we need more good people on this earth so go for them procreating.