American Crime Story : Funniest lines

Funniest lines

What are the most comic quotes?

When the judge addresses the woman juror by her juror number, then the juror shouts, "my name is Tracy!" (then a few seconds later, the judge almost addresses her by her number again).

Re: Funniest lines

"Did he just say he felt like the battered husband?"
"Well he did cut his hand when he was killing her"

Re: Funniest lines

OJ looking over at Darden for the first time and saying "When did they get a black guy?"

Re: Funniest lines

"Nig ger, please."

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career.

Re: Funniest lines

There were plenty of funny lines and scenes! When jury consultant going over her survey data, OJ rated 9's & 10's while the victim scored as low as a 3! They asked how Nicole was described and Robert K was horrified to hear "gold-digger!" It's horrible, but funny!

After F Lee's interview on Larry King, he thought it unfortunate that people said, "Bob Shapiro is an empty suit, Bon Shapiro" Travolta had to scream at the TV, "then don't say it *beep* FK!"

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Re: Funniest lines

When they all go to the house in Rockingham after Johnnie has givent it a make over, and OJ looks at the pictures and says "these aint even my kids. I have no idea who these people are"

I died laughing.

"I aint black Im oj!"

Re: Funniest lines

"Cochran. *beep*