Money Monster : Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?


Oh and this will flop like Hail Caesar and tomorrowland etc

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

you know you don't have to agree with everything that the person you vote for agrees with. that applies to other things as well.

You can't persuade fanboys. You'd be better off trying to convince a wall. ~CodeNamePlasmaSnake~

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

The only thing cankles Clinton has is anti-wall street and anti-rich, what else is she for except socialism for everyone except her and her abusive disgrace of a husband

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

Are you really trying to say that Hillary is a socialist? She is about as far from a socialist as a democrat has ever been, she's basically a middle of the road republican.

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

Yo this will be terribad, and if they don't want us to agree with everything they do and disassociate them from their political views. Then stop being so ostentatious & pretentious with your "views," bc NEWSFLASH we don't care about your support of a known criminal.


Insert slanderous/racist accusation/rednecktoothless/uneducated/ insult here _______________.

Because those that speak "tolerance" are only "tolerant" if you agree with them. #doublestandard

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

Did you support George W. Bush? Did you support Dick Cheney? If yes, you have no right to accuse Hillary Clinton for being a criminal, so STFU.

Got 13 Channels of $hit on the TV to Choose From

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

No I did not, logic fail.
Just bc I disagree with Hill, doesn't mean I agree with GW & DC.
Please stop.

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

clinton wants more wars.

she's very dangerous.

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

Complains about all the money in politics but raises millions for crooked Hillary. I will never pay to see one of his movies. Ever..

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

Complains about all the money in politics but raises millions
Are you saying that if someone doesn't like the rules of the game, they should let the game be played without them? That would have been a huge help back in the days of political machines.

for crooked Hillary.
How many times did she use bankruptcy to walk away from bad deals? How many times has she been sued for starting a university that flopped quickly and refused to refund tuition?

I wish that when Trumpelstiltskin called Cruz "lying Ted," he replied:

Lying is a wrong moral choice. The word implies that the liar knows the truth. I want you to think that what I say is true. If you can't do that, I want you to think I have reason to believe it. If you can't even go that farTrump says he will get Mexico to pay for the wall. If he calls me a liar, he commends me for having both oars in the water.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

I like rusty spoons

Why.. if it isn't Barbara! Logan-Price!

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

At least he doesn't support that senile old fart Bernie Sanders who is gonna handle Drumpf the presidency if he continues his attacks on Clinton. Trump supporters have an excuse because most of them don't have an education, Sanders supporters don't.

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

i like sanders. He's not corrupt like clinton.

clinton received 120 million for speeches. That's corruption.

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

If Trump supporters really wanted to get rid of Hillary, they should have all voted for Sanders and let it shake out in the end. I think it would have worked.

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

I was right it flopped


Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

I thought this was a website devoted to film.

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

Work is work and your personal life is your personal life. One needn't necessarily interfere with the other. And you can't agree with everything any candidate says most of the time.

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

Trump is a crook, not Hillary. And Bernie is a fraud. A grumpy, whiny, angry, old white haired fraud. Hillary is the most qualified to be president. But most of the fools who believe the Repugnantcan lies don't realize that.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Re: Clooney hit piece on wall st but he supports Hillary?

I am not American( I am British)so have no vote.

I am a card carrying Democratic Socialist so I have to say I don't think Bernie knows what he is talking about.
I like the fact he has stirred things up but a self described socialist is not going to win an a presidential election.

I would support (proven liar)Hillary and hope she is pulled to the left by the Bernie supporters.
The idea that Clooney or Hilllary are radical seems crazy from outside America.

Clooney is a democrat,he is not a socialist or a communist or even a radical.

But the title of this thread is silly,the film is critical of current Wall Street practises,and on paper so is Hillary but of course he supports Hillary,who else is he going to vote for? Sanders is an interesting character but he is never going to win an election and he and his supporters don't really agree what they believe in anyway.

With politics you have to bite the bullet and make the least worst choice,Bernie is splitting the liberal/left vote and Trump is ensuring lots of moderate republicans are not going to vote Republican if he is the candidate.