Westworld : Host name inner meanings

Host name inner meanings

I was reflecting on the names of some of the hosts and their meanings.

Back in the 90s I visited a resort called Club Maeve. I was surprised to see that name used here. Even more surprising is the meaning: from the Irish, "she who intoxicates" in Gaelic. A Warrior Queen.

Another name here is Dolores, which some misspell as Delores, as though it were the name of a gull-winged automobile. Those of us who know spanish, as I do, recognize the name as coming from the word for pain or suffering, more accurately sorrow. "Dolor del pecho" = chest pains. "Dolor de cabeza" = headache. This is a fitting name for someone who must suffer, indeed Dr Ford says that she must suffer in order to achieve self awareness.

We come to Teddy, or Theodore. Immediately we can see that this name deals with God somehow. In fact, its meaning is "God-given". Even more appropriate is his surname, Flood. So he is the embodiment of a Punishment sent by (the) God(s) against his people, the hosts. Insofar as he is sent to kill the hosts in the massacre where Arnold meets his end.

Lastly, we come to Dr Ford. So appropriate that the name of the man who popularized assembly line techniques should be used for the man responsible for populating Westworld.

If you haven't seen episode ten yet, you shouldn't look at the spoilers. I told you so.

Re: Host name inner meanings

"Dolores" is from Nabokov's Lolita. The name "Lolita" is an endearing nickname derived from "Dolores." Lolita's birth name is Dolores haze.

"Dolorous" means "depression."

Re: Host name inner meanings

To be correct, "dolor" would be from Latin originally.

Re: Host name inner meanings

More correctly, dolores stems from Spanish, which stems from Latin.

The popularity of the NAME comes from the affiliation with the Roman Catholic Church, which post-dates latin roots for "sorrow".

Re: Host name inner meanings

Ma-eve as in the biblical Eve, she has never sinned or made any choices of her own and walks around naked as a symbol of that.

I don't know about the Ma-part. Short for maze.