Westworld : Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight???

Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight???

Sometimes this show is so stupid. Seriously, did we need the scene with the kid whipping out the KY and about to bum the host? Who the hell isn't going to see this when all of the walls are made of GLASS??? It's even alluded to happening before!!! Le sigh

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

there did seem to be a lot that shouldn't have gotten by a company like thisthat being one of them

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

chalk it up to training - i mean everything else goes down and no one pays the slightest attention.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

It just seems idiotic and not needed. If they really absolutely had to have the scene, at least make it kind of believable. What kind of dip$hit is gonna hump a host in plain view? Delos needs some serious HR restructuring.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

Yeah, and who's going to do it like 10 feet from your co-worker who can see you through the glass wall? Completely retarded.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

"Hey Jerry. You gonna bum today?"
"Hellll yes! I'ma gunna bum reeeeal gud!"

Does that sound like you? Join Delos today!

No wonder the park is a disaster.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

No one else seemed to be around and the other co-worker was nonchalant about it, he didn't care. But yeah, he still risked anyone else walking around the corner.

And wasn't that idiot already blackmailed for doing that?

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

LMFAO! That was so wacky. I was actually wondering exactly WHAT he was planning. I was a bit confused because the host was sitting up in a chair, he never turned him over in a doggy style position. I thought the young guy was going to sit on the host's lap and ride him lmao

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

That's what it looked like to me. Like he was getting Hector primed so he could sit on him.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight???

Corporate science.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

Everything about the techs was ridiculous. They were all openly perving out in a wide variety of ways with hosts in rooms with glass walls and we see later the techs are being recorded which they would have to be aware of. Obviously none of them got into serious trouble or they wouldn't be so blatant about host banging.

Yet we're supposed to believe the reason the idiot twins went along with Maeve was they were afraid to lose their jobs? And that no one noticed any of the non host perving stuff like a host cutting a tech's throat? Considering the billion dollar park was constantly being monitored in every possible high tech way non one ever seemed to see anything.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

It was, indeed, ridiculous. As good as this show is, crap like that dumbs it down too much.

Shooting has started on my latest movie: http://www.imdb.com/board/15531336/

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight???

What kind of company indulges rape fantasies?

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

MiB secretly demands this of all workers.

Kentoc'h mervel eget beza saotret

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Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

Why didn't he turn him over?

Because it wasn't the host that was going to be penetrated.

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Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

So why didn't he put the KY up own his ass?

Because networks tend to shy away from close ups of anal lubing?

I thought that's what he was doing out of the shot. One hand lubing the host and the other hand lubing himself.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

I just want to say I love this thread.

Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken

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Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

I agree he was gonna bum Hector. He is rubbing his been with lube and like it was ready said, he is shown with a stiff under his smock.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

Well, the place seems to have like a gazillion different floors and only like 15 people in the control room And why would they care ? The hosts are machines designed to be used by humans, it's not like this should matter.

Was I Dreaming ? - Harry Mason

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Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

Exactly. Use the handicap stall like the rest of us.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

Chester The Tech Molester: "Look at my junk. It's pretty big, huh?"

Host: "That doesn't look like anything to me."

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

Also who is ok with a co-worker taking off his pants and riding a robot dong in shared work space? Perhaps they are alluding to the sjw culture spreading like a cancer so in the future asking a person not to fist themselves while whacking off in front of you is considered "racism".

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

Weird *beep* happens on the night shift in any company.

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

Flexible benefits package.

But seriously considering the plot of this series, you're overly worried about something that seems off?

"What do you mean I have no signature?"

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

The same kind of company that hires guards that never shoot their weapon despite being slaughtered lol.

(\___/)This is Bunny! Put him on your
(='.'=)signature to help him gain
(")_(")world domination

Re: Wtf kind of company doesn't know dude is whacking off in plain sight

There are apparently no screening practices for employment at Delos.

The maze is not for you.

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