The Magicians : F Bomb on syfy

F Bomb on syfy

They really like saying *beep* on this show. I didn't know basic cable networks could do that? It doesn't bother me I thought it was weird.

Re: F Bomb on syfy

It's not broadcast television, so they aren't restricted on language. Despite that, many channels try to keep things within a certain limit, in an effort to gain and keep viewers. Could be in an effort to be more 'family friendly' or could be that when profanity is used as every other word, then they know the show is all but dead, because not many will watch a show that uses vulgarity as an attempt to retain viewers.

Re: F Bomb on syfy

Ignore FangsMcWolf he's been proven to be delusional and with a poor grasp of the English language. On another board he talked about how he was raised in Romania and he was separated from his mother who likely didn't have a "reputable" work record.

Re: F Bomb on syfy

Hi troll, I see that outright lying isn't beneath you. You know nothing about my life and the only thing that's been proven is that you are a troll. I'm not delusional nor do I have a poor grasp on the English language. Again, good try, but you are still failing.

Re: F Bomb on syfy

Why are you talking to yourself? Pretty sad that you have two IMDB accounts to pretend you're being harassed.

Re: F Bomb on syfy

GermanVermin (Wed Feb 1 2017 03:08:56)
Why are you talking to yourself? Pretty sad that you have two IMDB accounts to pretend you're being harassed.
Please tell me that you're not stupid enough to actually believe I would waste my time to do something that idiotic. That is a genuine troll, not an account of mine.

Re: F Bomb on syfy

It's censored

Re: F Bomb on syfy

All cable networks are self-censored. They don't fall under the same federal restrictions that broadcast networks do because they are not granted public broadcast spectrum licenses to operate.

FCC cable censorship guidelines were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in a challenge brought by Playboy enterprises.

Therefore, any censorship on cable networks is totally a business decision by the network owners to serve their own marketability standards. They currently face no legal threat from the FCC.

Re: F Bomb on syfy

It wasn't a question.

Re: F Bomb on syfy


Re: F Bomb on syfy

One of the points of the books and the series was to have the characters speak like modern people and modern people curse.

They curse especially much when they are surprised, scared or angry. This is because it's an outlet for strong emotions that doesn't involve smashing someone's face while serving as a warning that they might in the future. It is worthy of note that the characters on this show are often surprised, scared and angry. The Beast, however, is a model of decorum.

For every complex question there is a simple answer. And it's wrong. ~ H. L. Mencken

Re: F Bomb on syfy


I watched season one on netflix and they didn't censor it out but I've now started season two on actual syfy and I see that they do censor it. Kind of weird to hear it edited out now.