The Lego Batman Movie : I guess Disney ran out of money to pay off the critics to bash DC

I guess Disney ran out of money to pay off the critics to bash DC

Well, This one managed to get 94% score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Re: I guess Disney ran out of money to pay off the critics to bash DC

This ridiculous load of horsesh!t about critics biased towards Disney/Marvel or paid off by them is one thing I will not miss when these boards go down for good. Imbeciles.

Re: I guess Disney ran out of money to pay off the critics to bash DC

Well, it's just a good film. The whole Disney paying off critics was laughable. I'm sure people who believe it will find some way to say that conspiracy is still true.

My Lego Batman Review

Re: I guess Disney ran out of money to pay off the critics to bash DC

Isn't it nonsense some people claimed on the forums? Don't know why people take it seriously.

Re: I guess Disney ran out of money to pay off the critics to bash DC

A combination of paranoia and narcissism.

Re: I guess Disney ran out of money to pay off the critics to bash DC

The most hilarious thing is that WB was actually caught doing this very thing. Maybe, just maybe, BvS and Suicide Squad got bad reviews because they were bad movies. I know that sounds crazy though.

Fly Eagles Fly

Re: I guess Disney ran out of money to pay off the critics to bash DC

The most hilarious thing is that WB was actually caught doing this very thing

They were caught paying critics to bash DC?

Joking aside, PewDiePie isn't actually a critic. It's not exactly unheard of for game companies to pay YouTubers to talk about their games. The problem that came with that particular situation you're referring to was that they forgot to mention that the video was sponsored by WB. That's where the lawsuit kicked in.