The Night Before : should have been different actors

should have been different actors

actors that I like. and it would have been different and not as lame.

Re: should have been different actors

Well maybe they'll make a movie that'll be good for you and only you.. Titled "For The Love Of THIS Douche Bag only"!

Re: should have been different actors

maybe you could be nicer.

Re: should have been different actors

Says the guy complaining the movie was lame because of the actors.

Re: should have been different actors

Says the guy complaining the movie was lame because of the actors.

do you feel treated rudely or insulted by such a statement, or what is the relevance?

Re: should have been different actors

What is the relevance of your post? If mine has little relevance in your opinion than yours has even less.

Whining about actors is useless. It's personal preference.

Re: should have been different actors

Nothing lame about this movie. It was great. Don't understand all the hate. Different actors? The three were perfect and the parts were specifically written for them
Please tell.mewhich three actors would you have preferred

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Re: should have been different actors

I don't know. I feel each actor did very well in their role.

So many stories, so little time.