The Transporter Refueled : Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?

Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?

You know, other than Frank Martin.

Re: Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?

I always say that when they decide to reboot using the same character with a different actor. The days of trying to pass another actor off as a popular character are long gone. Like this Bond fiasco with Idris Elba, it would be so much more respectable and respectful if they just create a totally different character doing the same job. The Transporter franchise could get total cool points if they showed that there was actually a network of transporters rather than just one. With Statham becoming more popular, I don't see this movie doing so well without him.

Re: Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?

Because there is no originality anymore.

Re: Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?

i actually believe this one to be true.

there isn't just "one" there are many (ok, not that many, but more than just frank)


Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!

Re: Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?

This is true in Transporter: The Series (2012), although they still felt the need to use Frank Martin as the main character.

Re: Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?

I agree. That would be great. There's no reason that there couldn't be more out there.

Re: Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?

Unless Frank Martin is a Codename and they are building towards a Transporter super movie.

"There's a big difference between winging it and seeing what happens. Now let's see what happens".

Re: Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?


My thought on the whole thing is that this is more of a prequel than a reboot b/c this Frank Martin is younger than Jason Statham's Frank so I think all of this stuff happened before the stuff in the other movies.

Re: Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?

Nope. It's a reboot. And a terrible one. A prequel would have been preferred. A bit of back-story as his years as Special Ops then coming home and to a few odd but dangerous jobs and somehow ending up as a courier would have been great. Show his vulnerability early on as he learns his craft. A little background on his upbringing. Why is that so hard and why would they think the audience wouldn't be interested? The character is popular enough though the movies have been mostly forgettable. They could have redeemed the series with this one. But alas..

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Re: Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?

Yah, different transporter, I said the thing on this other thread


Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that.

Re: Why didn't they just go with another Transporter?

They did it with Bourne franchise with mixed reactions.
Personally I thought it was solid good stuff.
Should happen more.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame