I Am Not Your Negro : Is it me or it's just a weird coincidence?

Is it me or it's just a weird coincidence?

As of 9:04 pm PST, so ratings may be different from what I'm quoting right now. I've noticed an interesting pattern in how star ratings are allotted broken down by age and gender.

Males under 18yo give this film the fewest stars, 1 out of ten. The group to give it the next lowest are males 30-44yo, 5.5 stars. The third lowest are males 18-29yo, 5.8 stars. Fourth lowest, males 45+, 5.9 stars.

Overall, the average star rating for males is 5.6 stars compared to the average female rating of 8.2 stars. What's up with that? It would be interesting to break-down view stars allotted by race.


Re: Is it me or it's just a weird coincidence?

Well, also look at another activity. The percentage of 1 votes is something like 33%, the percentage of 2 votes is about 2%. This indicates (to me) that this film is a target of trolls.

Re: Is it me or it's just a weird coincidence?

And a target of racist trolls. I'll actually be happy when the comments are stopped because racists and trump supporters have made this their new target. Now they'll have to find a new place to post their hatred.

Re: Is it me or it's just a weird coincidence?

Thank you both for confirming my suspicions.

Re: Is it me or it's just a weird coincidence?

Well there is Stormfront, THE site for pure unadulterated racism, which will probably NEVER get shut down and I think had been around for years.

It's pretty disgusting.