Hidden Figures : Why don't black people come out against movies like this?
Re: Why don't black people come out against movies like this?
I'm black, and every single black person I know, and it's a lot, absolutely LOVED Hidden Figures. The word of mouth about seeing it was TREMENDOUS.
Re: Why don't black people come out against movies like this?
Who the almighty frak are you to be concern-trolling for us?
Re: Why don't black people come out against movies like this?
You're quite obviously are not black, and don't have a clue on how blacks feel.
Re: Why don't black people come out against movies like this?
I think that seeing blacks who are extremely intelligent and making a great contribution in spite of all the prejudice they faced, and starring fantastic black actors and actresses, would appeal to a person of any color. I'm white, and I loved the movie.
Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!Lindsey McDonald (Angel)
Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!Lindsey McDonald (Angel)
Re: Why don't black people come out against movies like this?
Hehe. You know, the harder you try to help by sounding liberal and open-minded, the less you actually soundliberal and open-minded. More like clumsy and patronizing.
No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.
No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.
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Re: Why don't black people come out against movies like this?
I'm black and I might be one of the few who didn't like the film. I saw it two weeks ago and thought it was below average at best and utterly forgettable despite some strong acting efforts from the cast and some cool cinematography (I love 35mm)
This movie was clearly made to appeal to every race and gender in order to gain the box office and acclaim plus there's a flaw in your thinking. Loving was not as popular as this one and yet it was a better made film.
As for your posts, Predator and Blade etc. appeals to all who love the genre and despite what you may think, we are not the loudest in horror flicks. I've seen many horror movies and if they're into it, whether be black, white or any other race, they will respond.
BTW, race doesn't matter when it comes to pandering Oscar bait.
This movie was clearly made to appeal to every race and gender in order to gain the box office and acclaim plus there's a flaw in your thinking. Loving was not as popular as this one and yet it was a better made film.
As for your posts, Predator and Blade etc. appeals to all who love the genre and despite what you may think, we are not the loudest in horror flicks. I've seen many horror movies and if they're into it, whether be black, white or any other race, they will respond.
BTW, race doesn't matter when it comes to pandering Oscar bait.
Why don't black people come out against movies like this?