Outsiders : Sally Ann is the weakest link
Re: Sally Ann is the weakest link
Agreed. Too many sidelines ruin the plot.
Re: Sally Ann is the weakest link
I think it would be interesting in seeing both Hasil and Sally Ann deal with the pregnancy given that he's a Ferrell and she's from the town. It makes things stickier, but it could easily be resolved if she lost the baby or had an abortion and never told Hasil in the first place because, knowing Hasil, he would want to keep it.
"I have EXORCISED the demon"
"I have EXORCISED the demon"
Re: Sally Ann is the weakest link
The Hasil/Sally Ann storyline is what keeps this show at a 7/10 for me.
Re: Sally Ann is the weakest link
Duly noted.
"I have EXORCISED the demon"
"I have EXORCISED the demon"
Re: Sally Ann is the weakest link
I agree. Their relationship is one of the main reasons why I enjoy the show so much
Re: Sally Ann is the weakest link
And what would Hasil do if he didn't have a story line of his own? This gives his character depth. Besides it's the shows only real connection between the two groups of people, Outsiders and Losties. Then of course, have you ever heard of the story Romano and Juliette? That's what you have here in a ton of different ways.
Re: Sally Ann is the weakest link
Romano and Juliette? How someone can manage to spell both names of that play is beyond me
Re: Sally Ann is the weakest link
Maybe he meant it was cheesy..
Re: Sally Ann is the weakest link
I agree it gives a different perspective to the whole Lostie and Farrell dynamic. They all think they can't get along but then you have this guy who forgets his mistrust of outsiders when he sees this girl. They are completely different but they seem to make it work. As you can see they are one of the reasons why I stuck with the show.
Sally Ann is the weakest link