Teachers : Why is the entire cast unattractive?

Why is the entire cast unattractive?

Cheap-looking and unfunny isn't as bitter a pill to swallow with an attractive cast.

Kudos to a 2016 TV show that can get away with an all white cast. No pressure to make one of these ladies black, Asian or hispanic?

Re: Why is the entire cast unattractive?

I think Katy Colloton (Miss Snap), Katie O'Brien (Miss Bennigan), and Caitlin Barlow (Miss Cannon) are attractive.

Don't hate on contrarians

Re: Why is the entire cast unattractive?

The moron your replying to must think they dress and act that way off screen.

Re: Why is the entire cast unattractive?

I think they're cute. They look like normal people. I dont remember ever having a school full of super models as teachers and the women that play the teachers are also the creators/writers of the show.

Re: Why is the entire cast unattractive?

Teaching is an under rated thankless and an intensly emotionally taxing job. No one that knows what teaching is really like would get into it as a career and those that thought it was going to be a good choice come to regret it sooner or later. Beautiful women are not attracted to such jobs.

The only hot teacher I ever encountered didn't last long. She was 24, at my highschool of all boys in uniforms. She bent over and a student grabbed her ass in front of everyone. She ran crying. Lucky for her it wasn't a public school. In a near by public high school, that same week a female teacher was pistol whipped in the head. Ambulance, cops, whole nine yards.


Re: Why is the entire cast unattractive?

Your comments should be kept to yourself until you know the answer to your own question.

They are a comedy troop.

They all write the show together. They've been so successful in comedy they got their own show. It's not a show that you can cast random actors. The product is them. They are a team of female comedians.

Re: Why is the entire cast unattractive?

Successful where, exactly?

Re: Why is the entire cast unattractive?

Why does a show HAVE to have minorities or its wrong? It's a comedy troupe of friends who don't happen to have a black, Latino etc in their group. So tired of this cry. Everybody went nuts over the Academy Awards being so white, but nobody cared about the BET awards being so black.

Re: Why is the entire cast unattractive?

Agree! I am SO unbelievably tired of all the double standards. My question is, when they try to make shows geared toward non-Caucasians, why do quite a few of them fail? (Three shows that come to mind first are "Telenovela," "Undercovers," and "Cristela.")

Re: Why is the entire cast unattractive?

I don't know, Hot Dad is pretty hot
