The Flash : Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Is it just me? I can't feel the chemistry between them, mostly on Iris' side. I can't believe that they are a couple. Maybe it is the way things happened, one day Barry is in the friendzone and the next he is Mr. Iris West. I know that he has loved her for years, but Iris' acceptance of her feelings for Barry was weird Maybe they are not the kind of couple who exudes passion and their love is based on trust and on how much they know each other.
Either way, something is missing

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Yeah, I agree it's common sense on your part.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Did you really start this post with is it just me when there are countless threads from the blind about not seeing any chemistry between them?

Come on, Sis.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Oh! I forgot to write that I have no time to read every single thread on this board. I'm sorry, my bad, but you know, I have this thing called a life

Have a nice day!

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

In spite of that, you can't possibly think you're the only one. Unless you've been living under a rock or in space, you'd know that there are people that will testify in court under oath that they don't see chemistry between them though their chemistry is one of the main reasons Candice was hired.

Just for Sh!ts and giggles, who do you see chemistry with?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Wow! You are intense! Do you know that the sentence "Is it me?" is just a saying right? I'll better return to my rock house now

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Passion fades (looking at you Olicity) I'd much rather have a love based on trust and knowing a person. When a parent dies or you lose your job or the kids are sick, it's not hot sex that will get you through, it's friendship. That's WestAllen.

Where are the Asian characters DC CW? #MoreAsians

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

You got the point We are looking at a new perspective on TV relationships. Thanks for your kind response and not attacking me because there seem to be thousands of threads about this

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Despite your alleged life you are/were trolling. You can't help but realize this post is stupidity to the 'I AM GROOT' level of repitition minus the endearing inflections. You start with that inane attempt to get cosigned and then you speak to the building blocks of a relationship but one never gets to those building blocks if there is no chemistry. However the ignorant misuse that term.

Chemistry is connectivity it's not sex or passion. It's one person connecting on a human levell with another and Barry and Iris have that in spades as both actors are competent professionals. It's rare that one has two people with so little pride in their work that they allow their personal dislike to bleed through on screen. It's all in what's portrayed on camera. Humans are extremey easily lead. Ppl who claim they don't see chemistry between characters when it's clearly written and portrayed on the screen are ppl who allow their biases to override any reality outside of their precepts. Which begs the question if you are so blocked to a certain reality why are you wasting your time watching something that you can't get into. Afterall, you have a life and it's way too short to waste time watching a show inwhich the main character is so invested in a reationship (which is central to the show) you don't find compelling. When you factor in the FACT that you then took even more time from this life of yours to seek out a forum inwhich to pen a comment with the sole purpose of seeking validation of your view, as opposed to simply using your remoteand one has to wonder at the quality of said life or the insecurity truly compelling you to invest time (which you will never get back) to muse about this supposed lack of chemistry in quest of a rubber stamphmm?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

I have skinned knees and elbows and I wasn't even the one that got dragged.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Honestly people DO YOU HAVE A LIFE????!!!!

All that energy and time spent in mistreating somebody that you doesn't know, over characters that doesn't exist well, it may tell who the troll is. I don't find any trollish evidence in my post, but if you wanna b!tch over it forever, be my guest.

What happened in this board? So much bitterness Chill out!!!!

Have a nice day!

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Iris's fans don't have a life whatsoever bc there all to busy being obsessed with Iris, it's really sad and pathetic.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Yeah and I wasn't even despising her character, or any other character. People in here assume that you have to know about every post ever written in this board. Try asking a question in a nice way, without offending anyone and you got a lot of angry replies and people calling you ignorant troll.

Bad day for posting

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

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Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Ok, I get your point. But why is everybody telling me to go through dozens of pages when I can start a discussion of my own?
Even if I came across some thread about this, I wanted to express my opinion about it. Why is it so wrong? Why does it make so many people mad (I'm not saying you)? If you find a thread about the most exploited, repeated or clich topic, why don't you just skip it? (Again, I'm not saying it's you).
But, I repeat, this board is particularly sensitive. I've been here since 2006 and this is the first time I get so attacked.
I never said that I don't like them as a couple. I like both characters. Only that the writer's intentions confuses me sometimes.

Sorry for the fit

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

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Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

No, I haven't been attacked. I've had pretty strong arguments many times, other times people disagreed with me. Then, the occasional troll, but they don't count. There might be thousands of threads, I don't care about them because they don't have the same approach and I don't like tracing posts to read the answers, I prefer to have one of my own. I always try to write respectful posts, sometimes I fail if the other side attacks first, but it is really rare. Many people have replied with decent and interesting arguments and this unnecessary thread has lots of replies, so it wasn't totally useless. There are no policies against starting a topic about something that has been discussed but didn't fullfill your expectations. And finally, this will keep happening, sometimes we will find annoying comments, repeated posts or trolls making their day we just have to be understanding

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Thanks for your kind response and not attacking me because there seem to be thousands of threads about this

Actually all of her fans are like this, get used to it. They take it very personally when you hate her or westallen, it's all about her skin color to them. They can't back up any claims that she's important to the show. I happen to agree with you, actors that are supposed to be in love need chemistry and closeness, something Grant and Candice lack since they have neither. It's just a job to them.

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Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

You don't belong on here blackiriswestallen bc you are a disgrace to the real fans of this show.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

When a parent dies or you lose your job or the kids are sick, it's not hot sex that will get you through, it's friendship.

Speak for yourself.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Yes its you! Very much so I see tons of chemistry. Are you going to doubt me? I especially like the way Barry puts his hand on her butt and the comfortable way she sat in his lap. Oh the scene where he made her wait before he says yes lets get out of here and go exchange gifts was warm tender and convincing of two people in love. When he took her to the swanky apt you get why her gift wasnt under the tree. It requires exchange in private. I love their scenes together the writing the connection between the actors. Everything is on point its unfortunate that some of you dont see it but its your loss. I suspect though its because you want something else me i go with the story. To enjoy a good lovestory i need everything i need the writing the characters and the connection with the actors when they are saying their lines together. I buy that Iris is Barrys world by his words his look. Ditto for Iris like when she is looking at the wallet she bought him the expression on her face thats chemistry and he was not even the scene. See what you did making me go on and on.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

What happened in this board? Why is everybody so angry and hostile? Everybody is entitled to an opinion, even an stupid one.
If you say it is me and you have a different opinion, that's great! This is the reason I wrote the post, to read about other points of view.
If you love it, great!
Nobody is doubting you

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

No one is angry or hostile. Tired of the subterfuge and repeated assinine posts but not angry or hostile. Doubt all you like. I understand completely what fuels this stipidityand no you didn't. Words do have meaning and you wrote a request to have you predisposed conclusion rubber stamped. A conclusion that is based in ignoranceignorance that is perpetuated constantly but ignorance all the same.

Humans are conditioned the same. It's called socialization. In the west we have been trained since birth to recognize body language that denotes physical attraction. That's why it can be replicated on telivision. When know when a kiss is coming we know when a guy looks into a woman's eyes is level of attraction based on his preceding actions. Chemistry between ppl is simple connectivity. If both actors are doing their job and are competent at it there is no reason for our brains to doubt what we are seeing. Unless there is something within us that prevents us from accepting what we are seeing. For instance if we are homophobic we might feel repulsed at seeing two men kissing as opposed to seeing the romance of two people connected and in love. Part of that is because society has conditioned us to accepting this by portraying it openly on tv and in ads etc. The same applies to seeing ppl of different ethnicities in a romantic situation. If we are socialized to think there is something wrong with itwe may see a white male being attracted to a black female as forced, we may say things like they don't have chemistry when actually we are threatened by seeing something beyond our scope of acceptance.

The fact that you use an image of a character of color and tag yourself cinnamon is not cover for your intent. Just saying

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Character of color? What are you talking about? My intent? Could you enlighten me please?
Violet is my favorite animated character, cinnamon, my favorite spice

By the way, nice choice of words. Do you want to sound like an IMDb eminence while treating someone as an ignorant?

Does this really worth it? Me asking a question, you answering it, but with a high dose of sarcasm and presumption

What's going on in here?

Again, character of color?

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

I wrote that in a bit of a hurry and there are a few typos but I think it's pretty clear. However if you are struggling to sum it all upyou are full of shyte.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Excuse meeee Mrs. Perfect. English is not my first language, so sorry for not been able to fully understand what you were saying, which honestly, I still don't get. But it's OK, I think I don't really care

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

She is full of shyt. She knew exactly what she was doing then played the victim.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

You want to know what my problem with your post here goes.I find your first sentence to be condecending at best and manipulative and duplicitous at worse. Then you proceed to bash and blame actress which is typical of posts like this. As if the actress solely responsible for generating this so called chemistry that you don't see. Have you ever heard the phrase it takes two to tango. Let's suppose there is an objective way to measure chemistry what makes you think you are more of an expert on it than the people who do the show. Its their show they produce the scenes they direct the scenes they write the scenes. I haven't heard from any of them that they don't like the scenes between Grant and Candice in fact I've read the opposite. They love their scenes. BTW I wasn't being sarcastic when I said they have tons of chemistry. All the ingredients that makes great chemistry are there the story the dialogue, the connection between the actors are there. You don't see it that's fine I'm not here to convert anyone. But when you start a post all coy and then proceed to blame the actress then I have a problem. These actors and actresses are doing their job just like everyone else they don't deserve to be the recipient of your disappointment over something like chemistry that you is mostly subjective. Direct it to the people who make the decisions

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Iris fans are a disgrace to the real fans of the show.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

And I'm bashing where exactly? Can you please tell me where am I saying anything bad against Candice? I happen to like her, as well as Grant. I just don't like them together, that's all. There's no need to overreact or attack a person just because she has a different opinion about a show that we all like.

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Iris's fans are obviously obsessed and insane.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Barry pairing has always been a sensitive issue in The Flash board. At least I think so when I go to this board.
That's why I usually stay away from that topic. Other topics seem fine.

See you in Dr Strange and Sherlock boards.

I love inside jokes (Michael Scott)

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

You are right. It's almost a pathological thing, almost scary

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Something most definitely is missing. Yes, I know this has been discussed to death, but every episode I watch I am reminded of it. My heart sinks when the script says one thing but the chemistry says another when watching the show. When the Barry surprised Iris with a new apartment and he put her arms around him, she looked into his eyes as he dropped some romantic spiel and it was just awful. The kiss was forced. I've given up hope. This will never, ever work.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

You poor baby.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

That thing that is missingit's in you. You just described a very romantic scene which both actors were perfectly insynch and yet YOU thought it was awful. Her kissing him in that moment was the most natural act and yet YOU describe it as forced. So no. There was nothing amiss with the portrayal, you for what ever reason don't want to accept it. I'm sure if you were honest with yourself you would find your answer.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The problem is that we always knew that Barry loved Iris, but Iris loving Barry back has always felt like a function of canon and nothing more than that. I felt like Iris loved Eddie more than Barry because Patton sold me on those feelings. Every time Iris reveals her feelings for Barry, it comes from a place of NOWHERE. Caitlin "saw how Iris looked at Barry"? Yeah, right. All Offscreenville and nothing from Iris' POV. So Iris decides to be Barry's girlfriend based on what the future and Earth-2 tells her, nothing to do with how she actually feels about him. And now that they are a couple, she's just there all the time and it's weakening the Team Flash chemistry because they have to show off their relationship inside StarLabs. I'd take it if she just would stay out of the lab. At least there would be more scenes of Barry with Cisco and Caitlin, both of whom his interactions feel more organic. Even though it's been a chore to get through most of her scenes in the earlier seasons, at least most of them were separate from the lab. Now, seems like she'll be in the lab all the time regardless of no need for her to be there.

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Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

You are preaching to the choir with that one. She's enraged with Iris hate because Barry loves Iris and Caitlin is her fave. She feels like Iris is taking away her delusional thinking that Caitlin should rightfully spend with Barry.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

I never bought into the sibling argument against WestAllen. They don't, nor ever have, felt like brother-sister to me. I simply have always said that I've never felt the chemistry between them as a couple. She's had his back so many times? So has Joe, Wells, Caitlin, and Cisco, and ever since the Pilot. Barry's the central character, so that it's a given that everyone supports him. I'm saying that she does nothing when she's at StarLabs. The weakening of the team in part is due to the actress not being good at humor, not just talking about from a narrative/operational standpoint. And frankly there are too many scenes where she just stands around and looks at the other team members interacting or working.

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Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Saying they're siblings is the easy way out. I give reasons not due to that. I don't expect Iris to do scientific stuff, but her standing around doing nothing and saying fillerish dialogue is getting worse and worse. Every episode shouldn't just have her standing there like window dressing and listening to and watching everyone else work. Joe is there but you constantly see him say he's going to use his police expertise to help and the actor playing Joe knows how to command a scene and contribute to the humor element of the series. Iris is a bipolar personality in StarLabs. The writers just have her do and say stuff randomly because they simply don't know what to do with her character. One minute she's commanding Cisco and Caitlin not to encourage Wally's speed, the next she's yelling at Joe for doing the same thing. And she had no real input into the final decision of Wally joining the team. That ended up being Joe's call. So what's her purpose? She doesn't have one.

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Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Finally!!! You are one of the few that didn't attack me in an awful way. You explained it better than me.

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Do you see what your "innocent" post did though? You pretty much threw dogs a bone. Westallen and Iris haters love posts like this. Westallen and Iris fans are tired of hearing it. I know you have a life, but look at all the Iris dying posts. The next time you're told that a post like this isn't necessary, listen.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

Well, I see a very active conversation with very valid points and respectful posts.

And by the way, I'll write a post about any topic that I want, always following IMDb rules, so be sure that I won't listen.

Good night!!!

Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

And when your stupid ass gets attacked, don't whine about it like you did here.

You're dismissed.

Re: Barry + Iris = No chemistry

I think some of Iris' fandom actually WANTS her character to be better utilized, but I find that quite a few of them, several on this board, turn a blind eye to her actual impact on this series and make it sound like she's as well-rounded and three-dimensional as most of the other main cast. A person may like her character and the actress, but that doesn't make her relevant to the show, because she is frankly not. I think it's a combination of incredibly weak writing and the actress' line delivery which makes her come across as rather bitchy most of the time. I just feel like Iris is the worst character on this show and at this point, it's very obvious.